Grace expresses the spirit in which Divine manifestations come; peace the result they accomplish. The Old Testament description of Israel applied to Christians to indicate union to God and consecration. All freemasonries, guilds, etc., are but hints of what the Church was meant to be.III. In undertaking the highest work for God it is not enough that we possess learning, gifts, piety, without the consciousness of a Divine commission. That was the secret of all their excellencies. There are crises when it is necessary to have this to fall back upon. Paul had never been to Colossai, but had received favourable reports from Epaphras, his faithful brother in Christ, of the spiritual condition of this little band of believers. How Our Suffering Glorifies the Greatness of the Grace of God. And cultivate thankfulness. It is thus "the grace of life," moral beauty, spiritual loveliness. This is God's will as it is made known to us either in Scripture or experience. Faithful brethren. No wonder, for it has been assumed by pretenders, and claimed by people because they lived in cells or wore a certain garb. (1-2) Paul greets the Christians in Colosse. In Paul’s ministry – Colossians 1:24-29. The Divine will is the supreme subject of knowledge to a believer. (1) We cannot rest with mere rudiments; we must be "filled with all knowledge" (Romans 15:14). The parties addressed were —(1) In his judgment of charity, true saints — a fine word meaning "holy ones," and yet it has been pelted for ages with moral mire. The apostle slightly modifies the ordinary Greek phraseology, and lays hold of a word which directs attention to the Divine source of joy. It leads straight to the doctrine of regeneration, and proclaims that through faith in Christ men are made children of the highest, and therefore brethren. The apostle had heard of their faith and love, and was naturally concerned for their growth in grace, for the free course of the Word among them, and for their freedom from all error. Several races are here united in a holy and faithful brotherhood.3. But the term is employed to denote that greatest joy-giving kindness which when found in the heart of God towards us is the fountain of joy unspeakable. ", (a) Walking worthy of the Lord. "Apostle." Don't lie to one another. UNITY OF SYMPATHY AND DESIRE. (v.) It is one of the fruits of God's Spirit (Galatians 5:22). Learn: the broad, deep charity of the apostolic spirit, and the scope and temper of the prayers we should offer for the race.(G. (2) Faithful brethren in Christ. He was no fellow-apostle, yet his brother; his boyish convert, yet his brother. Unholy men, occupying a certain official position, have been and are obsequiously addressed as "Your Holiness." "Peace," which may include —(1) Freedom from persecution — a great desideratum. His use of it is evidence.of his desire to keep before himself and others the relationship of Jesus to Gentiles, and to show that He was no respecter of persons who gave Himself a ransom for all. A cordial greeting of this kind was common with the apostle. 1. 2. But the term is employed to denote that greatest joy-giving kindness which when found in the heart of God towards us is the fountain of joy unspeakable. "Grace" is a Greek thought Christianized. Colossians 1:10 Colossians 1:9-12 MSG Be assured that from the first day we heard of you, we haven’t stopped praying for you, asking God to give you wise minds and spirits attuned to his will, and so acquire a thorough understanding of the ways in which God works. (2)Peace with each other — peace in the Church.3. Barlow. The prayer of Moses was more influential against Amalek than all the weapons of Israel. As time rolled on and peoples got consolidated into organized communities, so that life in general became secure, the import of the salutation became gradually and increasingly enriched — equivalent to "May you have peace, and the fruits of it in your home, amongst your friends and neighbours, in your heart." Great souls never patronize; they elevate men of whatever station or age into brotherhood with them. Game Info; Share; More Games That was the secret of all their excellencies. (3) His Divine authority, "By the will of God," stated to shield himself from the charge that he was running unsent. He really felt most kindly towards the Colossians, and hence, with beautiful Christian gentlemanliness, he no sooner names them than he hastens to set them entirely at ease, by letting them feel his cordial friendliness. The wish of Paul is the gift of Jesus.(U. "Peace," which may include —(1) Freedom from persecution — a great desideratum. The Church has given it as a special honour to a few, and decorated with it the possessors of a false ideal of sanctity — that of the ascetic sort. Peace. He was Paul's "own son in the faith," but here he recognizes him on the more equal footing of brother. The creator, the one from whom all things consist, the all powerful one, the master of time and space, the head of the church. Colossians 2:1-10: Complete in Christ Chapter 2 of Colossians transitions into Paul’s head-on combatting of the dangerous heresies taking root in Colossae. Although many have no special call, yet all can do something after the manner of a humble herald to diffuse the glad tidings, and as we have opportunity so responsibility is laid upon us to be up and doing.2.
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colossians 1:10 the message 2021