(Issue)", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Families_of_Archie%27s_Gang&oldid=1007463126, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. In the penultimate episode of season 1, it is discovered that Polly and Jason are third cousins. In the Riverdale TV series, Reggie's father's name has been changed to "Marty". Finding out that your father is the Black Hood is no small feat. While Waldo was studious and serious, Tony was more interested in socializing and motorcycle riding. Cole Sprouse’s Net Worth Is Majorly Major, Camila Mendes and Charles Melton Split Up. While nothing major or pressing was revealed here, it was nice to see these two back to their old tricks. This name came from the type of truck that crashed and caused the traffic jam in which she was born. He did eventually go on to become a successful motorcycle customizer. A few stories have revolved around him having trouble with his job. O-VER. In one story, Clifford's corporation went bankrupt and they were about to lose all their wealth, when Mr. Lodge bought out their company to save them from poverty. One significant role was in Archie's R/C Racers, where he was mainly added to give Reggie's team a sixth member and even up the teams. He once believed in gender stereotypes, but in later years, he and Betty are seen sharing many activities, and he appears to be the one who introduced her to sports. "Do you want us to come with you?" In Riverdale his first name was given as Daryl. When Bughead are alone by the fire, Jughead tells Betty, “From now on, we’re partners. Little is known about Ginger's family, although both her parents have considerable fame, Eduardo as a chef and Gloria as an animal trainer. Mr. Lodge showed him and Archie a classic car that looked like Archie's original jalopy. He is murdered prior to the beginning of the series and the storyline of Season 1 revolves around his murder. Like, on a cellular, DNA kind of level. Calm Down, But...‘Riverdale’ Is Going on a Break. and address concerns that things will be one-sided if they’re elected. Such as posing as the Riverdale High Girls Basketball Coach and she leads them to the division championship. Mary Andrews is a middle-aged, pleasant-mannered, red-haired woman and Archie's typical American suburban mother. In an episode that mostly centers around the supporting cast (more of this, please), the show does a brief check-in with Bughead, whose intimate night in is interrupted by calls from a worried FP and Alice, as another Gargoyle King is on the loose. They were depicted as an older couple that both physically resemble Jughead (including having long noses) and live in the country. After the dance, she meets Jughead in the parking lot, where he breaks up with her. Betty and Jughead are hiding a secret, but the rest of Riverdale is talking about them for a very different reason... Jughead is accused of creating child pornography after his sex tape with Betty is released. His first appearance is Jughead #325. Um, Did ‘Riverdale’ Really Kill Jughead?! Or maybe you’ve used a GIF of Juggie saying those very words to Betty at her bedroom window. Doesn’t it ever occur to you just how different we are? Her mother is Veronica's single Aunt Elsie. In some early stories he was seen smoking a pipe, but it has been deleted where such stories have been reprinted. He was more interested in socializing. All of it,” she says to Jughead. She was originally portrayed as very slim and had a nose just like his. The two have sex and Archie and Veronica are unable to shut out that evening’s Bughead bed noise. Even though the Coopers seem to be comfortably Middle Class, She secretly envies the Lodge wealth a little, mainly because she wishes she could afford to buy Betty the nice things the Lodges buy for Veronica.[3]. You’re coming home now.”. I looked down. However, by the 1990s, they had been integrated into the main continuity. Rinse and repeat as necessary. That’s weird….It’s not just a party. You’re the perfect girl next door. Viewers who have been paying attention will notice that in the fast-forward, we see Archie examining Jughead’s dead body…as Betty stands there with a rock in her hand. Unlike his brother Waldo, Tony didn't focus on his studies. “Your family is definitely splintering right now, but it won’t fall apart because of you. He is also a highly respected citizen, very civic-minded, and serves on the town council. In the 1990s, she was made more attractive with a nose normal in appearance, but still makes appearances with her old nose. Jughead and Betty did not date in the Archie comics but many fans speculated that they were interested in each other. Despite this, Reggie did receive a short ego boost when Jellybean said her first word, which was veggie, and Jughead and his friends thought it was Reggie leaving Jughead to think that Jellybean would become a carbon copy of Reggie. Betty looked over at Gladys. That job turned out to be that of city park maintenance which meant cleaning up after different people. Several stories give their names as Sandra, Fifi, Marie, Celeste, Olga or Robin. Smedley is often portrayed in the Little Archie comics. Grandma and Grandpa Jones are the parents of Jughead's father, Forsythe Pendleton Jones II. In a post–school hall chat, Alice tells FP that he should be ashamed for “letting my sweet, innocent daughter live in sin in that soup can you call a trailer.” Other important Alice lines on the topic of Bughead: Bughead later share a moment on his couch while discussing their next move in wake of news that the car they got rid of has resurfaced. Jughead tells her he started working on it with Toni, leading Betty to suggest they all work together (and with Kevin). Realizing that she would not let up, FP agreed to attend Jughead's party. Chuck is the lead sport person for the football team and his dad is the coach. Besides, isn’t this what, you know, what people like us who have gone through what we’ve gone through do?” He further assures her she’s been doing the right thing with Polly; Betty kisses Jughead, thanks him for walking her, and says she’ll call him later. 2 #27-38). This version of Grandma Jones (who still bears a strong resemblance to Jughead) is a hip single woman that drives a convertible and lives in the Riverdale suburbs. This also happens: Betty invites Jughead over for breakfast with her mom Alice, who is suspicious of their guest and can’t stop overpronouncing his name. Of course not,” all while wearing a heart-adorned sweater. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we love. As their relationship has been fleshed out further … Later in the episode, Betty and Jughead frolic and make out in the water during a Labor Day weekend getaway with Archie and Veronica. When he’s reunited with Betty, he apologizes for not being there for her during the Black Hood mess. He most often appeared during the 1990s, when the Cheryl Blossom series was published. Veronica is often portrayed talking to Minari when she is feeling "blue". Because of some confusion between the Archie Comics artists and the Filmation animation studio, Hot Dog switched owners frequently when he started appearing more. The following night, as promised, he came to the party, only to discover that it was a wild house party and that he was the only adult in attendance. You did this for you. She would obviously have some experience and advice on the matter after all. He rarely appears in stories that do not feature his sister, which is why he was used less when Cheryl Blossom ended as a series. He is enraged when his daughter Polly starts dating the Blossom's eldest son Jason and when Polly becomes pregnant and Jason is murdered, he sends Polly to the Sisters of Quiet Mercy and blames Polly's departure on a mental breakdown spawned by Jason's abusive nature. She even tried to find work, by trying to get a job as a bookkeeper in her ex-boyfriend Fred Andrew's construction site,[9] however, Fred told her he cannot hire her because of the Lodge's new reputation as money launderers. It’s later revealed that she got him a vintage Underwood typewriter and that he got her a 1987 copy of Beloved by Toni Morrison, along with a handwritten note that read, “A signed first edition for my beloved. In the first Archie appearance (Pep Comics #22, December 1941), Betty's father is called J. At the end of one story, they had a litter of puppies. She is generally portrayed as a slender, white-haired woman, but, like many of the parents of the Archie teenagers, she has been made more youthful in recent years by the writers and editors of the comic book series. “Until it sticks,” Jughead says, as Bughead enters the Land of Exes. Later, when Betty arrives, FP emerges from the bushes with what appears to be a lifeless Jughead, who’s now missing his Serpent tattoo. Archie often calls him "Pop." I can’t stay in the same house as Chic anymore.” Let the cohabitation of Bughead commence! Veronica has had a number of purebred dogs and cats over the years. I have to have your opinion on my clothes! Any ideas for food, games, anything really?”Betty asked while she took out a notepad from her side bag. Another one of her favorite things is a recalled toy, although unseen, called Trevor the Too-Too Train, an obvious parody of Thomas the Tank Engine, recalled due to having too many small parts. Betty wasn't sure that Jellybean's parents would approve of it, but Veronica thought no harm would be done (but she sent Betty to the other side of the mall, while she put her scheme into action) and Betty finally relented after seeing the pics, which were adorable. When she has a dog, it is usually a poodle. When Bughead return to the hospital to check on Ben, they find him at the edge of a window, saying he’s going to join Dilton. [4] In this version Alice is very strict and controlling with Betty, demanding only perfection of her. Jughead: Baby you okay Betty: Ya. Betty: Okay. FP: We have to get you to the sheriff offices . Though he is sometimes frustrated with his daughter's antics, such as her obsession with Archie, he loves her very much and is proud of her achievements. Both occasionally visited their family, though Polly made more appearances. Of course Betty does, and Jughead clarifies that he has a plan — but first he needs to take care of the sex tape, which Bret has assured Jughead will ruin Betty’s life. To cut the awkward silence, Jughead tells Betty, “I wish we could just go, just hop on my motorcycle and just leave Riverdale. Her favorite thing is one of Jughead's old beanies, that she can't go anywhere without. Before Archie can fully freak out, Jughead changes the subject. Meanwhile, Betty is trying to cover up her teen pregnancy, and the Jones-Cooper-Smith family are trying to hold themselves together. In later years, it is implied that Alice works, but this has not really been explored. (Penny likely carved it out of his arm for revenge on what he did to her.) She says “I love you” back and the two strip down before getting interrupted by the Serpents, who arrive with Hot Dog and a Serpent jacket. Jughead tells Betty he’s running for student body president and wants her to be his “co-president” (because apparently vice presidents don’t exist in Riverdale). She was once left in the care of Little Jughead when Veronica, Betty, Reggie and Archie try to get their families to vacation together, ending in Betty and Veronica getting stuck at a cowboy ranch while Reggie and Archie go deep-water fishing. B. Cooper. This version of the character is separated from Fred and resides in Chicago.[1]. The two team up to find Polly. Betty and Jughead’s relationship advances another level while at the police station, where Jughead is being questioned about why his fingerprints were found on Jason’s since-torched car. She is a stocky woman with short black hair (with streaks of white and gray), and she is partial to plaid flannel shirts. Penelope is an attractive woman with the same bright red hair as Cheryl, while Clifford's hair is somewhat darker like Jason's and he has a goatee. The Serpent dance.” Fast-forward to FP’s “retirement” party (the quotes are there because he changes his mind almost immediately after), and Betty is doing a striptease on stage while singing that song from Donnie Darko. Betty’s pregnancy this time around was … I smile. Skeet Ulrich portrays Forsythe in the TV series Riverdale. Although Cheryl may seem snobby and antagonistic at times, Sugar proves that she has a soft sentimental side. He doesn't approve of Archie's occasional inconsideration of Betty's feelings. “It was a foolish question, asked between two people in love, but it didn’t matter because it would soon be overshadowed by the next day’s cataclysmic event.”. In one story, Marcy eventually got a stepfamily when Elsie married widower Max Wells (who, unfortunately for Veronica, was the father of her new boyfriend Bryan, making them now cousins). Veronica is a bit indifferent towards her lifestyle, but Marcy still hangs around and sometimes works as Veronica's assistant whenever needed. Before everyone weeps again, the show reveals that Jughead was just dreaming and is indeed alive, just a bit bruised up and recovering at the hospital. The … That would be good.” ”Okay, I’ll talk to my mom about this and Jughead will talk to F.P. (Seriously, I’m ready for the spin-off.). In a story called "Picture This", during a trip to the mall with Betty, Veronica wanted to have Jellybean taken to a photo studio (similar to Glamour Shots). Later that night, after speaking at the Jubilee and asking Riverdale to “do better” for their own, like FP and Jughead, Betty and Jughead head back to the trailer (while FP remains in jail, since he helped get rid of Jason’s body). Peggy is Cosmopolitan.com’s entertainment writer, specializing in Leonardo DiCaprio, This Is Us, and the royals. They kiss outside of Fred’s hospital and Betty heads home on her own (because as she says, “I think if my mom saw me getting off your motorcycle, she’d come out with a shotgun”). She really did look intimidating. However, beneath this lies a very soft heart and he occasionally displays a sense of humor towards Archie. Maybe I’m scared of getting hurt. The maids at the Lodge Mansion have been referred to by many names, and it may be that the Lodges have been through many maids. Gina Gershon played the character on Riverdale. It was also revealed that Chic had allegedly murdered Betty's real brother, Charles Smith and that FP Jones was father of Alice's son. It was Jughead's baby, not his and we would decide it's fate, not anyone else. Other potential love interests have included Dilton Doiley, and Bingo Wilkin; however, the stories involving these were one-off plots, no one has become her official boyfriend. So besides their back-to-school sex (which is apparently a thing teens have), Bughead actually took a step in a scary direction this episode. Jughead is the babysitter in the story. He appeared primarily in "Little Archie", as an honorary member of the gang, so he has been known to tag along with them on their adventures. Betty claims to be a natural blonde, which Veronica disbelieves, but blonde hair appears to be a family trait. I’ll see you soon.” In the next scene, Jughead hands himself over to Penny Peabody and the Ghoulies to save the Serpents from getting destroyed by Hiram and his money. She disappears once the "new look" period ends. Created in the age of yuppies, the Blossoms were a much wealthier family than the Lodges, due to the fortune Clifford Blossom made as a software designer. Wendy "WW (or Double W)" Weatherbee, created by artist Fernando Ruiz and editor Nelson Ribeiro, is the creative and eccentric niece[12] of the principal of Riverdale High School, Waldo Weatherbee. Sometimes his hair is white, sometimes it is orange, and sometimes it has only partly lost its color. While picking up Betty for the Fab Four’s getaway to Veronica’s family lodge, Jughead meets Chic for the first time. betty and jughead try parenting; they have a three year old son; and another baby on the way; Gender Reveal; the jones family being adorable; betty and jughead find out the gender of their second baby; Summary. He is constantly making Jughead mad but as the years went on in the Archie comics he started to become friends with Jughead. Jughead and Veronica were not pleased at this, because it effectively made them "in-laws". In Riverdale, Clifford and Penelope are portrayed by Barclay Hope and Nathalie Boltt, respectively. Ramon Rodriguez is Maria's father, and for a time the vice-principal of Riverdale High. Alice's controlling nature is later attributed to her difficult life, with the startling revelation that she grew up on the Southside of Riverdale and was forced to give up her infant son for adoption when she was a teenager by her then-boyfriend Hal, making room for some sympathetic qualities. She spies on Archie's family and reads her daughter's diary. Following a rocky seven days for Riverdale fans, the season 2 finale opens with Betty standing at Jughead’s gravestone. Her maiden name has not been revealed, although the TV series Riverdale revealed it as Gomez in a flashback episode. He looks exactly like Jughead, except for being older and balding. As the official documentarian for Carrie: The Musical, Jughead films his boo with pride as she rehearses with the cast. He makes enough to provide for his family, even after the birth of his daughter. Jughead adores his sister, one of the few females, aside from his mother, his grandmother and aunts, Betty, Miss Grundy or Miss Beazly, that he can live with. I’m the damaged, loner outsider from the wrong side of the tracks. At the same episode, Betty and Jughead meet an FBI agent (portrayed by Wyatt Nash) who turns out to be the real Charles Smith and is also both Betty and Jughead's half-brother. I’m not wired to be normal.” Cheryl and 90 percent of the school show up with kegs and the Andrews residence immediately becomes party central.
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