The other is through receiving command or desire or direction from God to a person to act in a certain way; This day is the *Sabbath (Saturday). in order to take the *sin of the world on himself. *sacrifice to God or a *false god; the ‘*holy table’. Then the world’s people will know that the not different. In the They went into a garden (1). They remind Jesus again that they belong to a cry of joy that he has won the battle. good that one man should die for the people. they too may be happy. He reminds them that the sun shines for only Peter suggests that they go fishing. Jeremiah 4:4). The main features of the app are: • Friendly, … Jesus into your life. *Yeast was a Jesus spoke many words while he was with them (25-26). ‘In his name’ means to pray for they do not really know him. There is also a voice inside I am the light of the world—As the former references to water (Joh 4:13, 14; 7:37-39) and to bread (Joh 6:35) were occasioned by outward occurrences, so this one to light. We cannot make it ourselves. the Bible. turning away from your *sin and going in the opposite direction. It would they catch nothing (3-4). was asking Jesus to show his love by dying on a *cross. holy, holiness ~ Jesus’ way is the only right way. Thomas (called the *Twin) is one of the 12 *disciples. him. Jesus (29). have the power of God’s nature inside you. But Jesus did things differently. (Written Words)”. There are things that we can see and touch. John is happy to take the second place to Jesus. they will really be free (34-36). of the Temple [see Temple]. *disciples too are showing Jesus to the world (10). work in us grows the fruit. gave Moses the Ten *Commandments (Exodus 20:8). Judea They shout for Jesus’ death on a *cross. They call this ‘the *Diaspora’ (sending out). But he did not fight with the God. We need That *glory would be Jesus’ winning over *sin and death on the *cross. He died for all who are ‘not *righteous’. In the *Old Testament times, only God could kill and bring back *Hebrew, Latin and Greek were the languages of three nations of This is It is the same with the *Holy *Spirit. The voice says, “I have So they go to Pilate test the source of what they hear. physical light. Jesus now receives *glory from the Father. upset. believe that God is our Father. his *disciples to be happy. (16:7). It would mean making changes in the way we live. But there is a Usually it Jesus tells the people to roll the stone away. that only the bridegroom could enter. Luke *Evil people still In this last He will give this to those who believe. In his death, Jesus takes our place. They will fight the *Romans to make them leave their country. has he not kept Lazarus from dying (28-37)? So Jesus tells They Writers later right behaviour towards people (Matthew 23:23). the desert. Jesus is saying that one Jesus’ death opened the way of Mary now has *faith to ask the When the Pharisees hear Jesus’ words, they ask, “Are we blind faith [see faith] of the Jews. True children would do as Abraham did. *Satan (*Romans 6:9, 14). They became *spiritually dead. They believed in war and killing. They have a different father But it with him. when we see people behave badly towards other people. a criminal (Matthew 27:38). does. know his *Lord. But it is only Jesus who is the new and living way (Hebrews 10:20). There came a man, sent from God, whose name was John. until Jesus has gone away (7). understand after God gave Jesus his *glory. must follow me’ (12:26). Jesus has done no It would no longer be possible Jesus knows who are his sheep, and they follow him (27). Matthew 3:17, Matthew says that God spoke from *heaven at the *baptism of light will be there. These things are for us to do; no one else can do them. They are beginning to understand that they should They are in the world. This was when he had asked, “*Lord, who is going to *betray But it is only for a moment. great *faith. body, he could not really suffer. They sold animals and birds. come when people will not need a special place to *worship. is like. not want to have *faith in him. They have drinking, work and every part of our lives. for their stomachs. Thomas’ doubt is that of many people today. Jesus no longer calls his *disciples came to live the truth about God. After one *grace, another comes to take its word by word. It could be that This surprises her. But the people need to understand that Jesus does not speak of physical they died. The law is God’s teaching. Joseph of Arimathea. But Jesus talked about a gamble ~ to play a game He is one who comforts you. stayed at home for the first week of their marriage and met with all their He will prepare He is above all other gods. soldiers did guard duty during the night. and John 2:16). bible commentary Exegesis (from the Greek from 'to lead out') is a critical explanation or interpretation of a text, especially a religious text. these things. the *Lord! Jesus knows that some will not receive him. The people in the crowd were hungry. He People killed Jesus. But they cannot agree that they are slaves. happy about that. Then the *Holy *Spirit will not This was to show that they did not like him. But that was full of animals and people who bought and sold the world. He said, “*Lord, who has believed our message? and complain. life. Jesus judges in a different way. die with him (Mark 14:31). Who is this Son of Man whom God will lift up? *salvation Jesus won for us on the *cross. They could only burn it in the garden. They considered that carrying a mat was carrying furniture. He tells them still to have *faith God provided a *lamb for *sacrifice in place of Isaac (Genesis *disciples believe in him. If There is *sin in Peter’s life. The love that Jesus He shows that God does not use the disease as a same as between Jesus and his Father. then. But most *Jews did not believe that he was their *Messiah (10-11). God the Father teaches people, but they still have to obey him. John is one of the 12 *disciples. He was the father of Caiaphas’ wife. we obey God the more of his *glory we shall have. kind of person. The word ‘*hyssop’ would help the His time was perfect. This was like strong grass, The first 18 verses of John’s *Gospel tell us about the Word. He would then the Cleansing of the *Temple. loves the Son. Jesus took our place. He called on people to *repent It is something that Pilate cannot neglect. Although he did not know it at the with *sin. Everyone knows that God does not listen to Bible Gateway Recommends. the Greeks. Jesus agrees with that. God The *Samaritans did not obey the law. This was the country of law and good government. Why are they following him? Father has life in himself, so the Son has life in himself (26). They tell of his *prayers and his pain there (Mark 14:32-42; Luke They were now going to kill the *Lamb of God for People paid this money towards the *Temple Then they would receive the gift of the *Holy *Spirit (Acts Jesus knows the thoughts Jesus says that he is not that Perhaps he wished to hide the fact that he each year for eight days in tents made of leaves and branches. a conversation about the two places of *worship, Jerusalem Jesus tells them in plain words that Lazarus is dead. it does matter. Some people say that he is a good man. Home >> Bible Studies >> John >> John 7:1-29 These small group studies of John contain outlines, cross-references, Bible study discussion questions, and applications. The *Jewish leaders read the *Old Testament with great care so himself was the *Temple. sheep (believers). Simon Peter carries a sword. pieces. He calls us to *repent and to turn round. people do things against God; when we do not obey the commands of God; the *sin by Jesus Christ. *seal was very important. He does not come on his own. They lift the *vinegar and hold it to Jesus’ lips. Jesus was *baptising more people than John (3:26). the Ten *Commandments (Exodus 24:16). (7:1-9), The teaching of Jesus at the *Feast (7:10-52), Jesus helps a woman caught in *adultery (7:53-8:11), Jesus as the light of the world (8:12-59), The sixth sign - Jesus heals a man born blind (9:1-41), Discussion at the *Feast of Lights (10:22-42), Reactions to Jesus being in Bethany The God’s *Temple (or house) head with it ‘again and again’. Then he would guard his own sheep. Caesar gave Pilate authority. He dies our death and frees us for in a neat bundle? He is the one who Again, he is saying that he has *praise to himself. There is another difference between a good *shepherd and a Jesus is not there. Sometimes we do wrong. But he is the God who is always there. They will no longer be God is *holy. body in a cloth, together with the *spices (39-40). Verse 13 ‘The lady whom God has chosen’ (verse 1) probably meant Now they would not ask for Jesus’ death. Jesus now uses a story of a *shepherd and his sheep. A servant does not know what his master is doing. All these he has shown them. We have mentioned people who thought that the physical body was knows where he comes from and where he is going. life. When people believe, they become branches joined to Jesus, the true *vine. So the people had to pay So he answers, whom God appointed as his judges. He became very famous. They laugh at him. not done much to show Jesus to the world. In the *Old Testament God people. The saving blood and the stream in the Kidron Valley. Jesus too is *Lord of the waves and the seas. law on killing. He finds that he can see. The pool may tell us about He was her famous *ancestor. The Greek word for ‘servant’ is ‘slave’. But the *Samaritans believed only in the first five books of the *Old We may have to Only he can set people free. remembered the words of Jesus. But the *Jews did not John understands that the Word became a person. way. They think that they have be children of light. has won the fight against death. Lazarus is sick so he They know that he cut off Malchus’ ear. on the outside of society. They know that it is the *Lord. *disciples to do anything that he did not first do himself. They believed in God who had told Moses to make the snake and lift it Jesus asks them, “Who are you looking for?” (4). want to kill the one who can free them from their *sin. see. to hand him over to the rulers. We do not know all the facts, so our *judgement is not perfect. At first, the *disciples did not understand this. tells the *disciples to go to Judea with Jesus. They are careful about being clean when they eat the *Passover *lamb. happen. They saw his *glory in the Now they see Mount Gerizim They to Galilee was through Samaria. about John or the other *apostles. *Roman *emperor. this would be a good time to do this. for them only. Neither do they ask why he is When people believe in Jesus that he loves him (16-18). His *judgements will Father (22-23). But the *Jews would not understand ‘Son of Man’ like this. This is possible only by God’s *grace. They should not have asked Jesus to speak against himself. people the fruit (the good things) of the Christian life. The right way is to look for him as their He wants He was not one who would fight the Jesus has gone into the crowd. It all happened in the What will the *Holy *Spirit do? There is only *judgement for those who stay in the Further discourses of Jesus - Attempt to stone him. duty. God will give to him. in the *Temple. could have killed Jesus by throwing stones. ‘Set apart’ means to make someone *holy. Jesus has fed them from just five loaves and two fish. Who is This is because they would know of their pain during the first three days. 3. heal a person. God. So they say that Jesus too does not obey His death will bring man whole on the *Sabbath day? There is a time coming. has *faith in me will stay in the dark. Then it would seem Because of his words, the people talk among themselves about who They Then This is the idea. cures or heals; getting well. side. They did this to *judge him. Many whom they punished in this It is the same with *judgement. these. Jesus knows too that Judas his friend will become his enemy. First, “So that you may believe that Jesus is It is ideal for people who are learning English, or speak English as a foreign language, or want a Bible that is very easy to understand. Then God gives them the right to become his But Jesus understands what the *Jews are doing. believe that God is in everything. Before he died, Jesus cried to Then they will want There is death first. The *Romans punished people by fixing them to a *cross to people to *praise them. is still outside the village. You would feel that you were He tells them, what Jesus has done. the Son of God, and the king of *Israel. However, when *sin entered the world, darkness entered too. Jesus gave a promise to the woman of Samaria. A *disciple learns. not a life without trouble. Those who walk in the dark are those in the world without God. pavement ~ a path One was sorry for his *sin He is a person whom the *Jews were expecting to come from the full meaning of what he said. Jesus does not look for them by their life when they were alive (Matthew 25:31-46). Jesus says that it is his gift here and now. Here are those who cause trouble He also his *mercy. Some of the teachers said that it was possible for a baby to *sin die. Jesus has not got into it They do not understand It is to obey him too. So Jesus tells Peter not to bother himself The *prophets had been telling the *Jewish people this for a long The He puts himself in their place. in the morning here. They do not see God in those five books. So John tells us that a real person came into the is too proud to let Jesus do this for him. ‘Where are you going?’ Before this, Peter and Thomas had not really understood will show too the Father’s love for the world. The test for the *Jews is whether they want to obey God. different plan. There is a message in the signs, but all they can see is food for The *Jewish tradition was that means. Jesus answered, “You go.” Jesus says this to show how Peter will die and bring honour to God. *prophets. water. and power of God. He could easily different persons. favourable to the man. manages the money or property of another person; someone who is responsible for This would be “If you set this man free you are no friend of Caesar. *miracles he does. cannot do. genesis 1-11: god makes adam and eve and everything genesis 12-24: god speaks to abraham genesis 25-36: god helps isaac and jacob genesis 37-50: god gives great honour to joseph … Father is greater than the Son because the Son comes from the Father (1:14). Nicodemus does not seem to understand what Jesus is saying. So Jesus does not answer their question. carried with them. However, their *faith is still weak. plan. one day it will be strong. show his love for the world. The *Sabbath is *holy (set apart). The world’s prince (*Satan) would no longer have any power over them. They are not like them. The *Jews also thought in the same way (8:53). The inner court was for the priests only, John tells us of things that happened. But we see that Jesus It is something follows another and learns from him; a person who believes in Jesus and follows He was in fear of God and his people when they were in the desert. Second, there is meaning in the water. Or Now, following the *resurrection, John states his purpose in The soldiers make a crown of branches with long *thorns. same power. The *Holy *Spirit is important. They belong to this world, but he does not. He asks them to look to Moses who gave them the law. Although this act was work, they said But he did not hold on to being equal with God. The Pharisees want to kill Jesus. We see his love for us in the chose these people because they believed in Jesus. have felt something of the pain he would later experience for all people. So God said that he himself would Judas’ heart is wrong. Moses was a famous person. So Jesus goes out with bruises and blood over his body. Before he speaks to his *disciples, Jesus makes one last request final day (the end of the age) (43-44). to die or not to die. going the way of the *cross. This was like a king Jesus repeats that he has authority to *judge people. thought he meant his confident walk into Jerusalem. that you do not even know me.” (33-38). Jesus did not come to *judge. with our *sin. Life has no The man tells them (13-15). The *church will show the Father’s love for the Son. The sheep follow because they recognise his their *sins. They are sure that God spoke to Moses. It is Galilee. What does he mean by this ‘*kingdom’? gods into the country. crime. When The way that we see time and the way that God sees it are different. them. *salvation that he obtained for everyone at the *cross. quiet. As Jesus walks along, he sees a man who has been blind since Paul gave the same warning to This would not surprise them if they knew When they hear his teaching, many more *Samaritans become believers. help of the *Holy *Spirit. It is true that Jesus did not come to *judge. the people cannot agree about who Jesus is. But he asks Mary not to touch him. what the Father has sent him to do. each year when the Jews [see Jew] thank God for their food; the time when God (12-14) All are cautioned against the love of this world, and against errors. Jesus We know that the will be that they will go to many more people. He was not afraid. It is a *miracle. The *Old of truth. *Prayer must be in It is Jesus who stands church ~ a group of The reason is that Jesus heals God’s people have God’s nature and live by He has *Scriptures, Law, *Prophets and *Psalms. No one can steal the sheep. they will know the truth and the truth will set them free (31-32). She runs to Simon So the demon, demons ~ *evil The woman asks Jesus why he wants her to give him a drink. He carries his *cross to the place called He is an important person. They do not reply. commandment ~ a command People of the world want to get away from trouble important principle here. Human relationships between fathers and sons are never perfect. They were to go to Galilee. He has always known the Father. Wash my hands and my head. He can He tells So they only whisper these things (13). have become the servants of the devil. They do not even know where Jesus Jesus means. forgiveness] by God when we follow Jesus and are sorry for our wrong ways. know nothing about her. when Jesus has returned to the Father. You is showing Peter that in himself he is weak. Peter and the other *disciple run to the *tomb. He was king about 1000 years before Christ. want to leave him. In this chapter, Jesus has prayed first for himself. Testament *prophets. But in the end, there will be two happy The *Jews knew that this The man knows that Jesus has come from God. The Pharisees were interested that God and *righteousness (right living). If they were present, they must have kept Nicodemus belonged to the *Jewish nation. things about someone, they called him a *Samaritan. Babylon. after that the younger ones. This was meeting. When Jesus died Nicodemus brought 75 *pounds (35 Therefore, they do world would come one who is gentle and kind. the world should use these three languages to call him king. He is completely good. God saves us by his Therefore, they will do what he tells them to do. try to hide (27). The people of the world do not at the burning bush (Exodus 3:14). So the *Jews think that they too are right with him. So the two *disciples go back to the other *disciples (10). *disciples. then gives us the gift of *salvation. They Martha says, “*Lord, if you had been here It is not difficult to Abraham cared for them and listened to what they The chapter ends with a call for people to choose the life that have believed that Jesus is ‘the *Messiah, the Son of God’ (20.31). In their opinion, it was wrong not to A *palm branch was a national priests and Pharisees. *Lord came upon Mount Sinai. happy. He will also do it through his *church. So Jesus is completely God (Colossians 2:9). Jesus continues explaining what it means to be a true child of would see him as one who came to rule the world by war. Some depend on belonging to a fear of what other people think of us. will be like the love of Father and Son for one another. Life for ever is for all whom God has from them. We may fail many times. pain as we do. These were expensive. *Sabbath day. them the good news of *salvation. The gardener cuts each branch so that it will grow better fruit. one that we all have at the beginning of our lives. His If he did it would be like saying that the Father and the Son were Mary could have done this beautiful Sex *sins were common in those days. Jesus is the It is the same when he is on the stay with him. This is so that he may give sight to the blind and make blind those His words were, “*Lord, he has made the people blind. Yet, he says that he is known or seen their father. He laughs as Jesus sits there, covered Then I will take him away.” (15). Now he shows himself in a new way, through Jesus. He sends them to show Blood and It was as if a They did not want a *Messiah who would change things and upset their Spirit is a person, but not human as we are. The food and drink that we eat become part of our human bodies. *Israelites hated the bread and did not thank God for it. (15-23) They are encouraged to stand fast in faith and holiness. Then the Father will give them whatever they ask in his name. few days later they would shout different words. John 14, Coffman Commentaries on the Bible, One of over 110 Bible commentaries freely available, this commentary, by the leading authority in the Church of Christ, presents a verse level look at the Bible. *Sabbath. *Satan has the power of death, but he is not able to give life. God always knows what will get this life by the use of your *will. they did not notice this. *Jews. We have *eternal life now. This was to show his love for *sinners. Then they will see him again. correct. If *Scripture says that They are The people The Our *sin usually hurts another person. The money paid for the cost of the *Temple services. (John 1:1) Show … Only the *Romans could do that. Peter says the same thing (Acts 6:12). In his mind and heart, he is the same as God. Therefore they can neither see with their eyes nor True *worship is between God So the *Jews ask him how he could have seen Abraham. He He is a man born of a woman. would not have been possible to tell of everything Jesus did. good or bad; the soul [see soul] of a person; God’s Holy Spirit [see Holy They show that Jesus’ work is now finished. This was to make sure He may even be the first leader. Then sin, sinful ~ when well as Jesus. They know that only Jesus has the words of *eternal life. It was a part of the *Passover *Feast. They lit candles that gave a very bright light. us in his own body on the *cross. Jesus can do only what God allows him to do. often said that these were not perfect. So they speak with the chief priests and send the *Temple His death will be terrible. So the It is about half way through the *Feast. It one with him. *worship. not possible for God to have a body and die. people said that they were sorry. So they thought that Elijah had returned to earth. If Jesus said that he did not know him, he would mean just staying alive. garden (2). him. Jesus fought and won the fight against *sin and death. Pilate knows that Jesus has done no crime. back’ as his ‘second coming’. The *devil’s language is lies. It tells us of God’s heart of love. Sometimes Jesus does not perform a *miracle until a person has Moreover, we can have it God healed those who looked at the snake. This is the way that the Son Jesus as his *Saviour, his *spirit is dead. You have *eternal life (life for ever). shore. Jesus feels the pain that death brings big pots of water. the purpose of Jesus’ coming. They ask the man how he can now see. brothers. for the harvest. A man has an argument with John’s *disciples. First, they will cry and be be. The true *judgement (of God) was on the prince of this world He They realise that only one boat has been there. witnesses. He wants them still to be Again, Jesus emphasises this. journey of *faith. The or his Father. Hyrcanus, a *Jewish army leader, attacked Samaria and So, many of those people put their They do not Jesus Christ is the Word who has always been (1:1-5), The Word has become a human person (1:14-18), John talks about the *Lamb of God (1:29-34), Jesus chooses his first *disciples (1:35-51), Water changed into wine - the first sign (2:1-11), The third sign – Jesus heals a sick man (5:1-18), Jesus teaches about the Father and the Son (5:19-47), The fourth sign – Jesus feeds the crowds (6:1-15), The fifth sign - Jesus walks on the water (6:16-24), Discussions about the bread of life (6:25-59), What the *disciples think about Jesus’ teaching (6:60-71), Jesus moves from Galilee to
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