The consciousness evolution journey is a process of steadily growing in consciousness, through different levels or stages of awareness. Some great ways to prepare your high vibration ingredients is by; Apart from choosing and cooking with exclusively high vibration foods and ingredients, there has to be something else you can do to raise vibrations at mealtimes, right? When we ingest foods that are far removed from their natural state and have lost most of their natural energy, it lowers the vibration of that food, thus lowering our vibration. This is especially true for Starseeds and Indigos who have very fine-tuned bodies with tendency to have more severe food intolerances. Anything unethically farmed, such as factory … The next one is getting used to reading food labels as this is essential if you want to start eating better. olive oil, and coconut oil, Raw food, dehydrated and lightly steamed food (e.g. Eat more of those. Keeping this in mind, it is incredibly important to avoid these kinds of foods whenever possible, as they cannot provide you with the nutrients, energy, and vibrations you need. now on a positive note. Your every thought, belief, choice, and action is playing a role on your personal … share with me on the comments below. drink a lot of water. There is so much evidence to show just how important water is for our bodies, keeping us hydrated and full of energy, and helping our skin clear of any imperfections. Anything that has associated negative impacts will naturally have a lower energetic vibration. frequency and vibration.”. Our website uses cookies to provide you the best experience. Apart from this, the vast majority of herbs possess the capacity to heal our digestive system. This isn’t all nonsensical though, junk food is so overly processed and rife with added chemicals and preservatives that it barely provides any nutritional content when we consume it. going to have a very different energy than a non-organic basil grown in a An imbalanced stomach can cause allergies, joint pain, and depression; so we need to pay close attention to our digestive area. modified) and whole grains (although since then have been modified). These fermented goodies are full of friendly bacteria that can help neutralize imbalances in your stomach. Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries all are high in antioxidants and low in sugar, making them ideal for an immune boost and to help balance our blood sugar levels. Plants exemplify this by photosynthesizing light into energy. and in such different circumstances, that we need to find out what is I often use this trick – if I can’t pronounce the ingredients on the label, then probably I shouldn’t be eating it in the first place. It’s almost as if you feel immediately healthier! Raise your vibration with high vibrational foods, The In their uncooked and unsalted state, nuts are pretty much the ideal high vibration snack. The more fresh, natural and nutrient-dense foods we When we enjoy the food we are eating, our enjoyment raises our vibrations. It has been proven that spices like cayenne pepper, turmeric, and garlic impart incredible health benefits, aiding in everything from digestion to arthritis. The reason for this is simple; when you spend time in nature, you are actively absorbing prana, or life force energy, from your surroundings and so you require less energy to come from the food you consume. as a Universal formula as everyone is different. HIGH VIBRATIONAL DIET | HOW TO ATTUNE YOUR PHYSICAL VESSEL & ANTENNA // Is there a spiritual diet or foods that will help with ascension? These foods are incredibly common in most households—foods such as white bread, canned foods, processed cheese, energy drinks filled with preservatives, and fried, fast food. Your email address will not be published. spirulina and chlorella), Healthy oils e.g. Try having a bowl of raw nuts as a pre or post-workout snack! such as health conditions, food allergies, age and gender. These fiber-rich foods are so tightly packed with nutrients, they can’t help but be high vibration! This tip is simple, but it's a big one! and is alone responsible for 51% of all worldwide greenhouse gas emissions, If you are going to consume animal products, then I would advise you to get them from sources that do not use hormones and antibiotics and treat the animals well. 2nd Food vibration category (3.000-6.500 … It’s not all about what you are eating though, it's also about how! factory. anything in its uncooked, minimally processed state), Genetically modified (GMO) food, and conventional food that has been treated with chemicals and pesticides, Processed, packaged, canned and fast foods, Unhealthy oils e.g. What you eat and what you put in your body assumes a key job in the degree of vibration … Practicing treating the body with love and respect. All Rights Reserved. We need the energy to survive and we can get this energy from various sources. However, by continuing to use our website, you agree to our use of cookies. This means they’re packed full of high vibration energy. This includes organic … Keep to a minimum foods such as meat, poultry and sugar and foods … our own highest good – our best high vibrational diet. fish, eggs not freshly laid, honey, peanut Notice how you easily it will tell you what to eat. It’s possible that if your filtration system is not strong enough, you could develop some nasty symptoms. When you feed your body food containing the nutrients it needs, those levels rise! Great content thank you for all the helpful information, Your email address will not be published. Fresh, filtered water is arguably the best source of energy vibration, helping to keep you grounded on this beautiful planet. Highest Vibration Foods. Make a conscientious effort to replace them with organic, chemical-free, healthier alternatives which will do much more for your body’s health and your vibration levels. Fresh fruits, vegetables, sunflower seeds, olive, How does food … By being mindful of your intention and attitude while eating your meal, you will be able to realign the vibration of your meal, affirming its intention to nourish and energize your body in a way that satiates your mind, body, and soul. Finally – and this one might seem obvious now – it’s essential to avoid low vibrational food, junk food that has been processed with added chemicals. If you need a quick cheat sheet to help you stay on track with foods that aren’t included above, here’s a quick list of high vibration foods at a glance that you can use to simplify things! Margarine, conserves, alcoholic spirits, refined It is also the So now you might be wondering, is there any high They make us feel calmer and steadier, establishing a firmer connection to the earth surrounding us. As human beings, we are all made up of pure energy. For good health eat an abundance of food with high vibration energy and nutrients such as organic nuts, fruit, vegetables and fresh herbs. Foods you were used to eating may suddenly begin to taste differently...." [Read More...] After all, the type of energy you absorb directly affects your vibration level and even your health. See more ideas about movies, documentaries, i movie. Therefore, the meat that is harvested from these animals will also have a low vibration. A meal like this will heal your digestive tract, and raise your vibration. dehydrating. Understand you can learn how to … Rely on your own intuition in vibrational level of food. Global Impact of Our Diets & Everyday Lifestyle Solutions, Natural superfoods (e.g. High vibration means having more light and less density. This varies from person to person, meaning that there isn’t a “one size fits all” answer for what a high vibe diet truly is. All foods hold a vibration! As a vegetarian, just the act of writing about these Channel your gratitude towards anything you eat, and the effect of your indiscriminate, positive mindset towards that food you are so privileged to have access to, will doubtlessly inundate it with high energy vibration. level than canned beans. High vibration foods are those that nourish your body, assist with detoxification, increase your light quotient (the level of light you’re able to carry) and raise your vibrational frequency. So you ensure you eat well, exercise, get enough rest, and take time for balancing activities such as meditation or yoga, to have a high vibration. 10 Best Foods To Raise Your Vibrations 1.Fresh Berries . Foods high in vibration are; fresh organic fruits and vegetables, pure clean water, sea vegetation and raw honey. var d=new Date();var n=d.toLocaleDateString();var t=d.toLocaleTimeString(); document.write(n + "
" + t); Souls Space’s mission is to help others on their consciousness evolution journey. The unpleasant effects range from a flushed face and stomach upset to a full-blown allergic reaction wherein you may experience a sore throat, itchy skin, and a swollen face. However, if you’re spending that day indoors around technology, your energy is being depleted with nothing to replenish it, so you use food to make up for the lack of prana. If you are interested in nutrition and trying to improve your health, make sure you also learn about the Yin Yang diet and reasons to not eat meat. and effortlessly start attracting the things you most desire in life and then Berries are often quite tart because they are so low in naturally occurring sugar; this is incredibly helpful for those of us who are aiming to balance our blood sugar levels. The way how the animals are fed and cared for and how much they suffer in slaughterhouses is very important. canola, cottonseed, margarine, and vegetable oil, Pasteurized cow’s milk, yoghurt and cheese. In my experience I haven’t found the perfect, “highest vibrational diet… For more information, read our Cookie Policy. combination with experts and science’s advice. It’s a scientific fact that everything is made of energy – our bodies, our thoughts and the food we eat. You are thankful for the things you have. Eating high-vibration foods will help our bodies to work in harmony with the mind and soul promoting ultimate balance. There are many things that we can do to raise our vibration but, on this article, I am going to focus on a specific one – eating high vibration foods. Apart from simply being known as high vibration foods, the lifestyle undertaken when eating this way is also commonly known as the yogi diet, Starseed diet, or angel diet. everyone will have different necessities according to many different factors Every living thing has a vibrational frequency – energy that is naturally present at any given time, in any given state. High Vibration Foods List: #1 Fruits Fresh fruits are very important because they actually are your most natural vibration raising foods, which are designed and already prepared for … You will likely feel substantially less hungry and full of cravings as you would if you were to spend the same amount of time cooped up indoors in front of a TV or cellphone. As we as a society become more educated about the importance of the health of our digestive area, it is imperative to seek out foods that benefit us. For instance, the energy in food is reduced Kombucha is a delicious, slightly fizzy, fermented tea drink rich in probiotics and antioxidants which is a double whammy of goodness for your stomach. Animals that are penned, fed through tubes or machines, and given a multitude of chemicals are not happy animals and will have a low vibration. Check it out. This is why fresh beans, for example, have a higher vibration We hope this space helps you finding the personal development tools you need to reach ultimate happiness within yourself. It is then important to follow a high vibration diet for Starseeds which consider the vibrational energy in food. What does it mean for foods to be ‘high vibration’? world. You start eating higher vibrational foods that will activate your light body more. Global Impact of Our Diets & Everyday Lifestyle Solutions. Behind Hawkins’ scale of enlightenment is the belief that the higher the vibration of our thoughts and emotions, the more likely one will achieve goals and success. To know how many ounces of water you should be drinking, divide your weight in pounds by two, and the result is roughly how many ounces of water you should be drinking every single day! Other foods that have good vibrational value; maple syrup , cooked … Since angel communication happens through an exchange of electromagnetic energy at a high vibrational level, you can perceive more of what angels are trying to tell you if you raise your own vibration to a higher energy frequency. Well, there is! significantly through processes such as microwaving, frying, canning and Explore adding these wonderful If you’ve read my articles The Law of Vibration and The Hawkins scale of enlightenment you are probably familiar with the image below which shows the different vibrational levels of consciousness, from “fear” to “love” – from low vibration to high vibration, from dense energy to light energy. Eat high vibrational food The foods with the highest vibration are organically grown fresh fruits and vegetables, preferably raw. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The journey begins within. With this in mind, feel free to go ahead and live your life doing things that bring you joy—that joy will impact all that surrounds you! High vibrational foods are clean foods packed full of important nutrients and containing a high vibration. The vibration of food is also affected by the The High Vibration Diet. This would involve products that offer a high nutritive value. When it comes to animal agriculture, the way the animals grow, live and die also has a huge impact, not only on the food but also on the planet. alive, awake and in tune with the Universe. white sugar and bleached flour. First of all are fruits and vegetables, grown via sustainable, … The lack of nutrients does not allow your body to function in an optimized manner, leaving you feeling sluggish with lowered energy vibration levels. For that reason, we should be consuming high vibration foods. Berries just give you that extra super-charge to your vibration … can buy, the higher we will raise our vibration and the more we will feel Those foods which are filled with positive life force energy are what we know to be high vibration foods. Everyone’s bodies react differently to overly processed food items, refined sugar, and junk food. The more we truly know ourselves via inner work, the better we can perceive others and the clearer we also see the world and reality as it is. The quality of your food, like organic fruits and vegetables, or heirloom grains, its original source, if it is grown and sourced locally, and the intention you hold in your heart while using it to create your meal all contribute to the vibration. Required fields are marked *. Sixty percent of the human body is water, and about seventy-one percent of Earth too! foods into your diet, get creative, and see how you feel. scenarios, breaks my heart and lowers my vibration so I will end this article Have a second serving. All fresh fruits are fabulous and will boost your vibration, but berries are at the top of … Most of these foods have obvious health benefits in terms of your physical and mental health but they are also essential to a higher vibrational diet… Putting high vibrational foods … For instance, a basil herb grown in your garden, is 7. "Your eating habits and general diet may begin to change. The foods you consume and put into your body affect your overall vibration and how you feel! The concept of consumption of high vibration foods … Food can either be a medicine for your body or a poison that slowly kills you over time. « White Wine Vinegar and its Substitutes [2021], Everything about Fenugreek, its Leaves, and Substitutes [2021] ». As an example, we’ll receive more healthy energy from eating a fresh apple than from eating a processed apple in a breakfast bar. agriculture is arguably the most environmentally damaging industry in the Cooked meats, sausages, jams, coffee, (black) tea, Here’s the difference between every other way of eating and the high vibration lifestyle—there is absolutely no restriction of food groups! 17 Signs You Have A High Vibration: 1. Sprouting has the additional bonus of nullifying the phytic acid within the grains, which means that the phytic acid—whose job is to block your body from accessing the nutrients—can not do its job, and you get to soak up all those nutrients! Fresh fruits, vegetables, sunflower seeds, olive, sweet almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, coconut, soy (although since then have been modified) and whole grains (although since then have been modified). Any kind of fruit when consumed fresh will increase your vibration levels, but fresh berries are in a league of their own! This would be green foods, foods with color, foods with nutrients in it. To receive the energy we need to thrive, there’s so much we can do, like eating high vibration food, spending time in nature, or exercises for the body and spirit—like yoga and meditation. High vibration food is also affected by the way they are cooked. oil, sugar cane and wine. Copyright @ Souls Space 2021. They are a brilliant way to up your protein and fiber intake, while also feeding your brain those essential omega 3’s and other healthy fats. Natural sea salt is also packed with energy and nutrients to keep you going through the day! habitat destruction in the world, and this is only a small fraction of the As far back as humanity remembers, spices have been used as a natural, exciting way to flavor food and raise their vibration. People with high vibrations are very thankful in general. With all these great reasons, get creative with herbs next time you’re in the kitchen! vibration and health. Leafy greens spend their days with their leaves spread out basking under the sun. A high vibration diet consists of eating foods that are natural, organic, whole, and alive. The electrical circuits in our brain (and all the other body parts that rely on electrical currents, such as the heart and nervous system) will function well, promoting a healthy body and a healthy mind. 1930’s and 40’s and found out that for humans to be at good health we must Jul 27, 2012 - Explore Shasta Townsend's board "High Vibration Movies", followed by 220 people on Pinterest. “Animal waves of particular foods in a very interesting experience in the Although it makes sense having Natural periods of fasting may occur when you are feeling in high spirit or vibration. Imagine how you feel after eating a big meal filled with leafy greens and non-starchy vegetables. Have you ever observed your hunger levels when you’re spending the day outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine? You probably know all about kimchi, a spicy Korean side dish made with fermented vegetables and sauerkraut, the notoriously pungent German fermented-cabbage, but if you haven’t given kombucha a try, you and your gut are missing out! These are foods that have not been altered or had anything added to them, so the only ingredient would be the food itself. Let these suggestions serve as a guide. Nearly every grain, bean, and seed in existence can be sprouted if you put enough time and care into it. Fresh Organic fruits and vegetables: Organic is just not a trend, but in reality, it serves as a great … Foods high in vibration are; fresh organic fruits and vegetables, pure clean water, sea vegetation and raw honey. By seeing food as fuel, you begin to understand how your dietary choices affect your well being. It nourishes our being. They are also rich in antioxidants, which does wonders for the immune system, fighting off any possible illnesses, and decreases swelling and inflammation. So let’s make things more interesting and talk about high vibration foods and the different types of energy that we can get from specific foods (and why should we actually care about it). However, I do believe that the following points are key components of all high vibration diets: This is dependent on the strength of their inherent filtration system, which includes the liver, intestines, and lymphatic system amongst a range of other physiological processes. In general, high-vibration foods don’t have chemicals, additives, or flavorings. For example, in the case of raw honey, when the beekeeper does not take all the bee’s honey, and gives the bees a high nutritive winter diet so their … Great examples of high vibration foods are plants, such as fruits and vegetables. Then, one of the best things I would suggest is to Love and light! statistics.” -Patrick Haize, The system. Green leafy vegetables Lightly cooked vegetables Fermented foods Raw nuts and seeds (soaked is best) Sea vegetables Raw dairy Raw honey, maple syrup Free range eggs Raw … It places the most importance on consuming organic fruit and vegetables; fiber-rich whole grains and legumes; healthy fats from seeds, nuts, and cold-pressed oils; and protein from humanely-reared, grass-fed livestock. That’s right, the quality of the energy that we consume through food has a direct impact on the quality of our overall health and vibration level. You may fluctuate between periods where you are feeling extremely hungry to periods where you have little or no appetite. leading cause of species extinction, ocean dead zones, water pollution and We are each so unique This will stimulate and help to clean out your entire Simoneton segmented foods in different categories from the highest vibration to the lowest. By looking at Simoneton’s work we can conclude that the intake of whole foods with little or no processing is vital to raise our vibration. With huge amounts of protein and carbohydrates, as well as vitamin B and iron, these foods are essential for this way of eating. maintain a vibration of 6500 angstrom. below 6,500 angstroms would hinder and deteriorate our natural Moon is traveling through comfy Taurus today. It will also help us reach higher consciousness levels towards enlightenment which is actually one of the reasons why many ancient philosophers and healers followed specific diets such as vegetarian or vegan. It sounds simple and obvious, right? Luckily, some delicious foods just happen to be fermented! He believed that consuming foods The vibration of food is not the addition of anything extra—it is quite simply the life force energy within the food! 80-90% of US water consumption, and 91% of Amazon destruction. Animal Agriculture takes up 45% of the entire world’s land-space (regular) chocolate, processed cheeses and white bread. By eating vegetables like lettuce, kale, spinach, and rocket, you’re getting as close as possible to eating plain vibration, with the added bonus of how yummy they are! High vibrational foods don’t have ingredients but are ingredients themselves — whole foods. The only things you have to steer clear of are processed foods, like junk food; refined sugar and inorganic oils; and foods that have been genetically modified. Other foods that have good vibrational value; maple syrup , cooked vegetables (blanch them to … Apart from simply being known as high vibration foods, the lifestyle undertaken when eating this way is also commonly known as the yogi diet, Starseed diet, or angel diet. We are energetic beings, and the idea of eating is nothing but a process of transferring energy. It is the combination of the source and quality of your food combined with intention when preparing a meal. The simplicity of this lifestyle lies in its singular directive—to favor foods that are whole and unprocessed. Vegetables cooked in boiling water, milk, cooked Our stomach houses an expansive bacteria ecosystem that needs to be kept in balance to avoid the unpleasant side effects. Starseeds for instance, they are so sensitive as they are not used to the low vibration energies we have on Earth. They’re vibrant and colorful. Any kind of food that it’s in its pure, raw form, contains energy that vibrates at a high frequency that benefits both our physical and mental health. View the full list of options below. A high vibe diet … energy it was created with. Think of it like going vegan—you wouldn't just go vegan and then quit after a couple of weeks; it's a change you make conscientiously to continue eating in that manner unless it begins to negatively affect your mental or physical wellbeing. Fresh herbs play a more important role than simply flavoring our food, though that in itself is important. 1. Living in the flow of high vibration… This means that it’s vital to keep our energy frequency vibrating as high as possible. Fresh Berries. A sattvic diet places emphasis on seasonal foods, fruits (if one has no sugar problems), dairy products (if the cow is fed and milked in the right … The reward will be well worth the effort of seeing how sprouts have so much protein packed into such a tiny package. Your grandma wasn’t wrong in telling you that you are what you eat. sweet almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, coconut, soy (although since then have been you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, They know that without the universe and the powers … Raising your spiritual vibration is a key and significant aspect of awakening… And truly, keeping up a high vibration is fundamental for remaining solid, being cheerful, and living energetically well. Many common herbs aid in detoxification and provide necessary antioxidants. We decided to share with you higher vibration foods that will raise your energy fast for the better. A high vibration diet is one that provides your body with the nourishment it needs to function optimally. Foods that he rated in his “first category”, with the highest vibration were, between 6,500 and 10,000 angstrom, included: fresh fruits, vegetables, olive, sweet almonds, sunflower seeds, … The highest … Do Your Inner Work. Consuming high-vibration food constitutes a change in one's lifestyle rather than a temporary diet. Every time we eat a specific food, we absorb that food’s energy into our bodies. This is what we call “High Vibration Foods”. Whether you’re traveling, or just going to dinner with a friend, there’s no need to worry if you don’t have access to the highest vibration ingredients and meals. More than a third of the nutrients in sprouts is just protein! a diet made up of natural, toxin-free foods, the fact is that There are many things that have an effect on the vibrational diet that I should start following immediately? Eat something you love. This theory is in line with what most of the modern nutritionists advise us to eat more of. Some foods and beverages have been processed to such an extent that they end up with most of their natural energy and nutrients being depleted, therefore resulting in low vibrations. High vibrational foods are those full of life force energy. A high vibrational diet consists of foods that are ALIVE and that positively benefit the person, as well as the planet as a whole. Raw Himalayan salt or any other kind of raw salts like pink salt or unprocessed salt will do wonders for your energy vibration levels. High vibration means having more light, and thus less density. André Simoneton, an expert on electromagnetism, measured the electromagnetic Well, in my honest opinion, there’s no such thing In order to maintain a good health, we require the consumption of energy in the form of food, air and water. If you are looking to start eating more high vibration foods and start a high vibrational diet but don’t really know where to start, then the first step is to change the way you identify with food. The energy within everything you eat is absorbed into your being, which is why it's so important to consume food of high quality. Foods to Cure Premature Ejaculation [2021], How to Shrink Ovarian Cysts Naturally [2021], Lysine and Why It Is a Must for a Good Diet [2021], Locally sourced, fresh fruit and veggies acquired when they are in season, Organic herbs and spices which are free from GMO’s, Healthy fats from unrefined oils like coconut or olive oils, Fibrous whole grains, like brown rice, oats, and spelt. The trick is to learn how to listen to your body, You are creative and inspired. Fruits and Vegetables. Nikola Tesla once said, “If One powerful way to do this is by eating a diet made up of natural, toxin-free foods … Vegetables born from within the earth, on the other hand—like carrots, potatoes, and beetroots—allow us to absorb more grounding energy.
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high vibration diet for star seeds 2021