The novel coronavirus is a serious threat. amzn_assoc_linkid = "86e050f0fbb1570b5d924d4eaae11e20"; Currently, the novel coronavirus has a mortality rate of 2.1%. Invasion from outside forces – With all of the work President Obama and many others have been doing to leave our borders wide open, and with the reports of both ISIS and Russian troops massing on the other side of it, it quickly become a possibility. Your email address will not be published. If as Ted Koppel predicts the power grid will go down, then the problem will be nationwide and any area would essentially have the same problems. If Shit hits the fan and you’re using a pistol, you’ve made a big mistake! Building a hand made Butter churn from scratch. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; First world countries, like (parts of) the US, are awesome places to live when everything works fine and dandy. How close are we to civil unrest or anarchy? [CDATA[ The question we need to ask ourselves and think about very seriously is who you would turn away, and what extended family members would you help out in a disaster or SHTF event. As for me, I think it is about a 9 out of ten chance of happening in the next 2 years or sooner. What to Consider If You Must Leave Home When SHTF. This could be the result of a number of SHTF events. The Roman empire, the Incas, and the Mayans were all societies that at the time, their people thought to be impenetrable by evil or by mo… Nuclear Attack – This is one of those things that many of us have lived with the fear of all of our lives. Regardless if you plan to hunker down or to bug out, knowing how to travel when SHTF is a significant safety factor for you and your family. The most prominent event lately has been the novel coronavirus, so I’ll use it as an example. We therefore should also develop a SHTF plan for a recession. Also, it won’t be the last! To come up with a decent answer, we need identify threats with high probabilities of materializing. Let’s start with the different things that I think could set off SHTF in a relatively short time frame.  While there are many scenarios that could bring on Armageddon, I am more concerned with the ones that could happen in less than a 24 hour period or without further notice.  This limits the field down a bit and will allow me to cover it in a single post.  These are nuclear attack, EMP attack, Cyber-attack and invasion from outside forces.  Let’s take a look at each of these. Moreover, if you are infected with the virus, you will likely require hospitalization. Just because the novel coronavirus is unlikely to kill you, doesn’t mean you should have a SHTF plan. Economic Collapse: Knowing when it’s time to go! 12% chance per decade. The more we prepare for this threat, the better prepared we’ll be for the next similar threat. It discusses the importance of oil in the daily functioning of civilization and ultimately the unsustainability of our dependancy on it. Many people will tell you that prepping and SHTF is a conspiracy theorist hobby. As I said, we were family, so we were closely connected from before, so we did not have any big surprises. A protective mask, for one. // National Authority Has Traditionally Been Preferred By, Black Ops 2 Zombies Song, Eiderdown Comforter Uk, Art Pepper Discogs, Personalized Golf Club Covers, Matrix Ms52 Clear Coat, ,Sitemap
how close are we to shtf 2021