May you endure your suffering for God as he suffers for you. It sounds like you’re trying to mix pagan practices with Godly prayer. Currently, I have a seasonal laborer job but it will end as the weather cools. Job’s Great Persecution lasted 42 months or 1260 days. I’ll never let satan win. I just have to being doing odd jobs like from pocket to mouth. I know what it is to make yourself persevere year after year with no hope and no support. You are Blessed and Highly Favoured, a child of the Living God, and He Loves you so much. In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bore them, and carried them all the days of old. As it is written: only those that endures to the end shall be saved. Job’s name means “one persecuted. I ask for growth in HIM that is GOD to show me HIS Will. As it is written: Eyes have not seen, nor ears heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which Yahweh has prepared for those who love Him. we just have to believe this. So whatever period He suffered God was still control. But do not go it alone. Nonetheless Afflicted manages to be a pretty good film despite the fact that it doesn't reinvent the genre. But I will say the new peace and fresh perspective and increased hope I have is far greater!! Surrender unto the Lord. I lost all my friends and my extended family. I rebuke the spirit of suicide from your mind–it may not have you in Jesus’ Name. He is judge and jurer. (other names known by - stone barer, burden man, excavator, feigher, muckman, navvy, ridder, rudder, stripper, tirrer, top barer, top delver) Shelley, I have prayed for you. then why do people do it? Do not be discouraged. the ability to accept and bear an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way/up. We must constantly cast all our cares on Him and insist on our joy! the business of life may or may not have a solution to your dilemma. In Jesus’ Name. If Job was 70 at the time his trials began, and lived for 140 years after them, then God also gave Job double the years to live. The length of Jesus’ suffering on the cross is not the measure of it. and Job 29:2says, "Oh, that I were as in months past, as in the days when God watched over me." Feed your kid, comb your hair, develop outside interests, if you’re hungry, make a sandwich. You know I have come to understand by revelation that the thorn in Paul’s flesh was not a sickness but the persecution he suffered wherever he goes to preach whereas God uses it to place him in check for him not to feel too anointed. May they see the change in their father’s life and know that You are real, receive You, and walk in You–serving You with all of their heart, mind, and soul. One day, one step. That suffering would have been with him for life. Did you forget that job 14:14 says all the days of my appointed time will I wait until my change come?. I was hospitalized 3 times between thanksgiving and christmas with various infections. In Job 2:7–8 it says that he was afflicted “with loathsome sores from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head. I’m in sympathy for our situation but while we looking for a miracle we need to understand what we are even going through is also a miracle. The latter days will be better. It shows you have strength, and a will to fight. But to a middle class person if they had half of what the millionaire had they would be considered blessed. I also know that Christ suffered for us, not so that we wouldn’t suffer, but so that when we do suffer, we can know we’re not alone. He had already resolved in his mind to wait. It is identical. God will not let you fall. I hope your life has improved with maney blessings since your post. I really encourage u to watch a few. Mine comes from my narcissistic mother who never loved me and cursed me from my birth. Or call my cell phone and leave me a message. the thorn in his flesh could have been a woman that would not leave him alone, the physical affliction caused by a hard working life, or the physical damage by persecutions as suffered by the blacksmith. One of the best responses I have heard to this question. the death. SIN IS A VERY SERIOUS THING. However 2 days later, while walking through the mall my hemmorhoids flared up and I couldn’t take a step. The only name of the Creator of heaven and earth is Yahweh Elohiym and the only Saviour and Shar is Yahshua Ha Mashiach this is the ONLY name that brings Salvation! He rejected God’s word and sinned. I don’t know but I’m guessing not. God let Satan attack Job because he knew no matter what Satan put him through Job would never turn his back on God and he didn’t!! God bless I will forever pray for you. Amen! My suffering is long, shameful. With the fissure tears everytime you have a bowel movement your rectum goes into spasms, which feel like knives stabbing you for hours. However, it clearly states that Job never lost faith in God and forever called to God in prayer, asking him to remove his affliction: And Job, when he cried unto his Lord, (saying): Lo! In the beginning chapters of Genesis, we read how God allowed Adam, the first man, to be attacked by Satan. Will see you through if you continue to walk by faith and not by sight. I believe every 1 goes through a Job time saved or unsaved at least once in their lifetime I don’t know how the non Christian copes without God but He rains down His goodness on the just & the unjust. This being the case, he would have lived to be 210 years old. Some authors (e.g. His. The Word does not say. Reading all comments has been very helpful, praying for my children who was bought up in the church bit seem to think God is not the God they were bought up to believe in because of their constant trials and suffering, lo ok king thru scriptures believing God will allow his words to be planted as a seed in their spirit. On. I still love my Jesus and will continue have hope, faith and trust Him, while I wait for His appearance. Face, admit, and speak out all the bitterness to clean you cup so that HE can pour in new wine without it being diluted with old wine. Evans: hahaha. In the Greek Old Testament Book of Job. Amazing Bible Timeline with World History, Click to find out more about this comprehensive Bible study tool now! This reference speaks of how long Job lived/survived after his trial, not how long the trial lasted. Your God is real.” There are many ways to make one suffer upon this Earth. The doctors can’t admit me into the hospital due to over crowding from covid. He is miserable. Satan afflicted sores all over Job's body. Job suffered maybe for a shorter time then some and longer then others. Paul learned to live with his “thorn in the side” by accepting that God was not going to heal him but he could use it to develop patience. Where does it say Job wanted death? So although there has been some good times, most of my life has been one big drag of disappointment after disappointment. These three verses all use the verb “afflicted,” which comes from the noun “affliction,” an old word that means any difficult or painful circumstance. 4- Job suffered approximately 60-80 years- the equivalent of our contemporary lifespan. God can use you were you are. 2007 Van Pelt, Hancock A Parent’s Guide to Helping Teenagers in Crisis 24 : There is a biblical tradition that God comforts the afflicted (and occasionally afflicts the comfortable). He is a very knowledgeable minister. One thing well. God is LIFE. There is a God who loves you. there's just bound to come a change after while. HE DOES IT THROUGH SICKNESS, OUR MARRIAGES, OUR FINANCES AND ANY OTHER WAY HE CAN DESTROY US. God is protecting us probably from eternal domination. I often wish that nature had taken its course, and I would have died young. Hello petunia, in response to your question, remember when the children of Israel was in captivity for four hundred and thirty years; the Bible said they cried out unto God and sent them a prophet who delivered them from their afflictions. No dairy, no meat, etc. Hallelujah! The Lord needs to be able to break your original foundation. Prayers coming your way!!! JOB situation is Job situation GOD HAS SOMETHING UNIQUE FOR YOU IN SECRET. May God’s grace be sufficient for you and your husband and soonest you will sing a victorious song. 10, that Job was exactly seventy years of age when his calamities fell upon him ('Dict. He rewarded Job. God has always sent his Angels before the suffering arrives to you in order to protect you. Wondered why,why,why until I read Job1:1-4 did you know Job is the only servant of Yahowah God that he bragged on besides Yeshua Immanuel. I pray that your grandson will be set free from bondage of satan IJN amen. He doesn't mention years, only days and months when he speaks of his afflictions so probably less than a year and more than a couple of months. We must learn all that we can before being raised up again by God. When and how did the Twelve Apostles die? You’ve made the point many times that is was due to the sin of self-righteousness, he was out of fellowship with God and thus Satan was allowed to afflict him. Now I am FAR from being a math expert, but as I see it, if you run the math, and figure out when each   of these generations might have had children, and assume that it was in line with when Job had   his first ten children, it also points to an age of about 70 for when Job may have faced his trials. I don’t get it. I can’t raise my kids right because I am always broke. His last days were horrendously difficult, but his suffering that he endured was not of this world. Also Job 30:16 and Job 30:27 talks of the days of his affliction. Pay attention to you dreams and pray before going to bed. Thru it all I have praised Him. Remember we can do ALL things through Christ! Oh how I wish God would choose to heal, but oh how God wishes that I would trust in all things. Having went through a situation similar to Job. yes, Job wanted to die, and satan was there to try and test him ,, but suicide is not an option, it is demonic….spiritual, ephesians, chapt 6- verse 12 explains our battle is not of flash and n blood but a mspiritual mbattle,, God veres Satan.. back to satan having to ask God, to test /temp Job. and jehovah God does not allow his creation to be tested outside its limits. His children were not devout as their Father. Balaam had no choice to do the command of God. Anger management. I began to loose everything including my business after I sighted a bright shining star in form of a big holy Cross just above the sky around 2.52 am (9 of November 2012). I speak your deliverance and blessing by the blood and the Resurrection in your life. That my mum lived up to 58 years is a testimony because we all though she would die earlier than the rest since she was always on and off. I know, mine lasted 14 years, but as hard as it is to imagine, I’m so Thankful to God for that time and I wouldn’t change any of it, even if I could. When I began to be thankful and detached from all material things,I began to just praise him in the storm and I learned to dance in it,than thats when my breakthrough came. I am a willing participant on this journey. Most sufferings create degradation that eventually ARE “a span of years” once your life flow has been altered. thank God that my precious Holy Spirit was with me the entire time and he’s with u as well. I learned to draw closer to God and ask for more things to help my spirit instead of the material possesions. Own. 1. Only when you endure to the end you can be saved! No way to prepare. Another scripture, Job 7:3, shows that it was possible the suffering went on for many months. May The God of all grace hear your cries! They did not. He wanted a fair trial but alas, God is all powerful and in control. I’ve been afflicted for many years. The cross. It worked for my bipolar and I definitely think any mental illness is the devil.Paul, Shelly, Now I don’t even remember the fear or the pain my life is completely restored. I have made a bottle of shampoo last for 3 years as I have a difficult time even getting enough energy to shower. This had to be the must humbling thought when considering God’s mercy toward his action against him.(God). You’re worth is priceless to God as his child. This video might help. She left me her home, but I remained depress because of everything I walked through while living with her prior to buying my home and after. I have raised a rebellious ungrateful teen grandson for 18+ years who challenges me every moment of my life. He is in control. I have been suffering for close to 20 years with my back pain caused by degenerative disc disease. You can’t even just take one story from its history and exclude the gospel. Like Job, I have wanted my life just to cease and to lie down in the grave because I feel so useless and like my suffering has affected my life flow and I feel like others often look at me and say “Where is your God?” and/or that, like Job’s supposed friends, they think I must have done something to deserve it. yu can look up gifts of the HOLY SPIRIT. Hello Shelley, 7 years is indeed a very long time. For he has untied his cord, and afflicted me; and they have thrown off restraint before me. Her stong sisters died young before 40 years. God is God. we get the helmet of salvation thru repentance and water baptism. O am not deeking moneetry wealth though what i read hear are may presumptoons o was hoping as i reas to see spmthing more concrete and something to encourage me.InY SEARCH. But I’m a freak. My moment isn’t good and it halts my ability to live without assistance and to give to those in the tortures of life like the ongoing human trafficking, the sick children in third world countries, St. Jude which is the only real facility seeking and researching for a cure. He said very terrible words about God. Thanks for posting that verse. By this time o was completely lost and devastated. For 37 years. Restraining order won’t stop him from entering. Susequently, that time, added to 140 yrs referenced in the scripture, excluding his tribulation yrs, would mean that Job lived to be about 200 yrs old. I pray that the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth working through you would open opportunity for you to live and to live well; spiritually abundant and carnally secure in whatever way He sees fit. 6 months ago I heard a voice say Ed I just want you to know that the big man upstairs has you by the hand right now. Along with peace, joy, and freedom. they didn't have to fear when the fourth man did appear. Call if you need more counselling and prayer.03303902117 access 773674 Always remember: Isaacs, Samuels, John the Baptist, and Job’s double portion doesn’t come anyhow. We are all sinners. However some suffering are product of ignorance on our part, some are self-inflicted and some come upon us due to violation of natural and divine laws. Know that God hears and answers prayer. Praying God will give you Peace that passes understanding. Amen! It is against their interest to pay principle and against their principle to pay interest. He wished for death for himself, but he never once condemned God. 1 I had a water that had to be repaired because a animal got caught in the line. I know it gets real tough, but please hold on! This is actually true the thorn in the flesh is described in 2nd Corinthians 12:7. The Lord’s. maybe six hours. Your. I have been to college, did other courses, but no employment as yet. God bless Andrea. Yes, you surely will. [1] The dark forces of the fallen world threaten to sap our souls there, yet God intends that our souls come out like gold, refined and molded into the particular likeness of God he has in mind for each of us. Bible says that through it all Job did not sin against God. I purchased a home 9 years ago only to live in it a while, under a year then move because of all the problems in the home. (Hope I’m not stepping over the line here. what if he asked the fourth time. It is the Sovereignty of the Father and the power of the Holy Spirit via the angels–who war on our behalf bringing down spiritual wickedness, principalities, and powers–in JESUS’ Name that will accomplish His will of relief and victory for you. Why Did Christ Ride a Donkey on His Triumphant Entry? Take care. Trust Gods providential care. Wendy, I’m in a terrible financial crisis, I feel persecuted in many ways, I know that what you did is the right approach to get out of this trial, however I find it very difficult to put it to practice, But I will try once again. But I kept my home, I couldn’t rent it out because it needed work done to it and couldn’t afford to because I had to help my mother while living with her. Rhonda, wether we are Christians or not the bible says that the rain falls on the just and unjust. The devil has no pity for anyone. Our sufferings does not necessarily have anything to do with us but has to do with God getting the glory over Satan and his arrogance. And you will make it. I asked that the LORD would send you a Word of Knowledge about your life and purpose. Rhonda I noticed no one had addressed you since you responded. Thank you so much for this inspiration. Adam was defeated by Satan. May he not be able to exercise any of them. M suffering from lukemia so what shud i do arrodrng to u?? I would like to tell you I’ve gained my material possesions back because this is the year of restoration and the year of Jubilee, However I can’t. Read Matthew 10. I had to pray before I went to the hospital because I did not want to face any more deaths!! If we are wise don’t give up prove yourself to be faithful even in these temptation God will make a way. In this section, list the companies you worked for, your job titles, and the dates of employment. This formulation matches the most common modern version: 4. In agreement with the “Admin,” you need to get to a seasoned believer on this. When we truly Surrender to God and give it all to Him, letting go of every preconceived idea and notion, beautiful things happen because we release it all to Jesus and then the onus is on Him, not us. Today I’m laying in the spare room of my mother’s and she is helping me come off of antidepressants and prescription pail pills. And that’s what gets me through yet another day of pain agony and a 25 battle against the plans of the enemy. I will continue to pray for you. Tatum worked in a strip club in Tampa, Florida for eight months after high school. An affliction can be as small as an aggravating head cold or as large as a major illness, the loss of a job, public persecution, or rumors spread by your enemies. Sometimes our flesh can get in the way of rational Godly thinking and he gives grace for that. I pray that what God has for you will be a “good gift” meeting your every need with no ounce of scarcity on it. His wife said to him, “Are you still maintaining your integrity? The Qur'an describes Job as a righteous servant of Allah (God), who was afflicted by suffering for a lengthy period of time. Your email note touch my heart because I’m approaching my 7th year of not being gainfully employed and doing a lot of odds-and-end jobs too. Keep trusting him, praying, reading the word and leave the rest to him. Unbelievable….105 Comments and NOBODY answered the question. God spirtually bless you. Verse 9. At any rate, in my opinion, I do believe that based on the above, Job was probably in about the first third of his life, or 70, when his trials began. He, she or it should go down as the vilest, most despicable tyrant the world has ever seen. So true.that is the times that we have to hold on, pray and trust God only.
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how old was job when he was afflicted 2021