My Dad was peeing blood for years but I thought it was my mom. By the time I was admitted to the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, I was utterly broken, both mentally and physically. He happened to get pneumonia and got a chest x-ray. Turned out to be a very large stage 1 instead of the stage 2-3 they originally thought. It may save your life! Any other symptoms? Cancer survivors and patients should be treated similarly to other high-risk groups since an overreaction from the immune system can lead to cancer progression if … Let’s take a moment and remember those who didn’t survive and can’t answer that question right now. She had been diagnosed then with postpartum thyroid problems where the thyroid has trouble re-adjusting to being baby-free. It didn’t look like mastitis at all. Edit: Hopefully that's not too personal of a question. I knew since a child that one day I would have breast cancer (no-one in our family has ever had it). My Wife had thyroid cancer. My great aunt was diagnosed (incorrectly) time and again with IBS, which she knew was bullshit. They did all kinds of tests and nothing else was wrong with me. He decided he needed to leave work early. Hair is … According to my doctor, the surgery is often enough for most people. Probably the most common warning sign is rectal bleeding, said Dr. Alfred Neugut, … The growth was cancerous and had begun to spread, so Osterberg was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer, a serious but treatable disease. More than 80% of patients whose anal cancer had not spread lived for at least five more years after diagnosis. you got this!! Then I noticed a lump on the side of my neck. Blood tests showed that something was wrong with his red and white blood cell count and they found a tumour in his chest with X-ray and ultrasound. As if it never happened. He was 43. My oncologist even told me that we could get a second opinion if we wanted, but I’d be getting the same treatment no matter where I went. Was it a lot of blood, like the toilet water was turning red? We all miss her: she was like a mum to my mum, and she would have been so proud of the brief ballet career I had. Sadly we had to go to the young guy's funeral about 13 months later and the older guy's funeral about five months after that. I used to think most people that got cancer did something to contribute to it (like smoking), but my dad didn't and it was one of those freak "you have x months to live" diagnoses. She demanded tests from our GP, who was skeptical, but ordered the tests anyway. The 26 year old guy had spent the weekend doing yard work at his house and felt like he'd pulled a muscle in his groin (I remember him complaining about it on a Monday morning). I’m not going to lie: Losing your hair is really weird. yeah I did. It's monumental, life-altering. "Yeah that shit was melanoma and the tiny mole turned into a four inch scar for a wide excision and sentinel node biopsy. Marlo Palacios, a 42-year-old lung cancer patient in Pasadena, California, was diagnosed after she saw her doctor for a persistent cough. How many people alive today have ever had cancer? Esophageal cancer is difficult to treat because it is usually diagnosed in later stages of the disease. But how does that even prevent a tumor from reappearing? I believe God led me to it early. She had to have scans every 3 months to check. I had a coworker who wiped out on a snowboard and when it still hurt a few days later, he went to get it checked out to make sure he didn’t break anything and they found bone cancer. (I was their caretaker.) They found a lump of small-cell lung cancer. Mom passed away and the blood still appeared on the toilet. She was right: it was not IBS, it was incurable ovarian cancer. I knew for two years something was wrong in my body and went repeatedly to the doctor but they found nothing. It turned out to be stage 4 bladder cancer. See: 8 Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Colon Cancer. I hope you kick the cancers ass! She was riddled with it. For many patients, doctors will perform surgery to remove the cancer. It's tiny. He was diagnosed with a couple of particularly nasty forms of cancer including a fairly aggressive lung cancer. My sister was 4 years out from her BC diagnosis at the time. She had a much more pronounced 'dent' in her breast, but I knew the moment I saw mine what it was. The doctor suspected my grandma (heavy smoker) had COPD so sent her for a scan (after we'd bugged her relentlessly for about 6 months over her coughing and wheezing). Went to the doctor was diagnosed with leukemia and was given 3 weeks to live. In my case though, I still needed chemo. Question: I HAVE long-term varicose veins from my knee down to my foot. I had a mammo 6 months prior that was clean, and really, the indentation could only be seen if the light hit it right. At the time of diagnosis, he knew nothing about the disease or its signs and symptoms. The doctor actually told me that if you HAVE to have cancer, that's the one you want, since it has a high cure rate. They found a large tumor causing the blockage. I remember going for a walk one day and it felt lime I crunched my balls between my legs so I didn’t think anything of it. Related: Cancer Society Now Says Screening for Colon and Rectal Cancer Should Begin at Age 45 — Not 50 Colon Cancer: Increasingly Diagnosed at Younger Ages Now I tell everyone to get there children’s eyes tested, they can see so much more than just the health of an eye. At that point, you’ll probably end up getting a mix of cisplatin and etoposide. I had two coworkers diagnosed with cancer within about a month of each other a bunch of years ago. Remember kids, moles don't have to be big to be bad news. But facing a cancer diagnosis is not like anything they have faced before. I had testicular cancer. I seem to be getting more and more calls from people just diagnosed with cancer who simply don't know where to start and what to do. Instead of driving home he drove to the emergency room. The reason I ask is because a family member of mine had colon cancer and that was the symptom that made him realize there was a problem. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. She had been diagnosed then with postpartum thyroid problems where the thyroid has … They noticed something but wasn't sure if it was scar tissue from her recent bout of pneumonia. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Woman was a ballet dancer in her youth and an avid traveller and ballet examiner at the time this happened. May he live for many years to come! I survived Hodgkins Lymphoma. Was told I had a couple of years and would be on chemo the rest of my life, that was 4 1/2 years ago. Dave was diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2008 when he was aged 61. He started to get short of breath and was exhausted all the time. As he put it "The bad news is I have cancer, the good news is I have pneumonia.". New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Since one in eight women get breast cancer, almost all of us know someone who’s had early-stage and seems perfectly healthy now. Geez. She does in fact have COPD but also had lung cancer. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Pancreatic cancer is a very isolating disease with an abysmally low survival rate, 8.5 percent, according to the National Cancer Institute. So the diagnosis was no surprise at all. Lung cancer is a bitch. It was just like she felt after she had two of our kids. She’s tired now though and is thinking of stopping the treatments. She’s an outlier as far as longevity goes. I had 4 cycles of chemo, which consisted of 5 days of treatment (up to 5 hours each) and then two weeks off. I had cancer when I was 4. Not me, but my father. They were a little late, and the cancer metastasized into her lymph nodes in her neck, but radiation therapy took care of the last few nodes. He started getting a little blood in his pee and thought he had a UTI. My wife’s grandmother has been battling it for years. Couple of weeks later it was still bothering him/didn't feel like it was getting better so he went to the doctor. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Candace Henley, diagnosed at age 36 “I had no idea what colon cancer was,” says 47-year-old Chicago resident Candace, who started having stomach problems about six months prior to her diagnosis. He couldn’t stay awake at work despite having a good night’s sleep and couldn’t muster the energy to go play hockey. Based on his experiences he is keen to raise awareness about bladder cancer, by sharing his story. First round came back normal-ish, but they did a biopsy anyway, and found enough cancer that they immediately ordered surgery, removed her whole thyroid and a dozen lymph nodes in her neck (cool scar). Aug. 29, 2020 -- Chadwick Boseman, the star of the 2018 Marvel Studios megahit Black Panther, died of colon cancer Friday. Turned out to be Hodgkin's lymphoma, I have my 2nd chemo on Wednesday. She was feeling really tired, and low energy all of the time and foggy/confused. I had to do 2 rounds of chemo and one of radiation therapy. When I took a shower afterwards, I was cleaning down there and it REALLY hurt, so I started feeling around and found the tumor. It’s still there today which is weird but whatever. Said if I got a cut I'd bleed out. I hope he beats it mate, good luck to him. Thankfully, this time, I wasn't disappointed. That number dropped to 30% when the cancer had spread to the liver or lungs. They covered my entire body. Surgery went well, and that area of her colon was removed, along with her lymph nodes nearby, and 6 months of chemo later she was in full remission. I never asked how bad the bleeding was, and while I sill can since he's now in remission, I'll probably forget to ask. I like how you've got everyone using the word stool now. In high school a found something and the doctor determined that it seemed to be like a little internal pimple or something. Survived and cancer free but... that was a rough few months for the track team. These people come from all walks of life and many are smart, highly successful individuals. In a nutshell. Don’t worry about losing your hair. Apparently my platelet count was 4. Unfortunately after 3 long years of battling he passed. Edit: Hopefully that's not too personal of a question. Anyone else experience symptoms you would like to share? Some new treatments like Opdivo have really helped her. I was super tired all the time, like sleep 18 hours a day and hardly able to keep my eyes open the other 6. The good news is that testicular cancer has a 97% cure rate or something like that. I finished ABVD chemo for Hodgkin's last June, now I'm totally cancer free. I’m not saying wait for it to get to that size, but if it is that big. "And I was like, "Pfft...why? I was under fifty, hardly a typical age for it to happen. Incurable because it was in her bones, her bladder and intestines. It’s tough, and it sucks, but you’ll probably end up being just fine :). The 40-something guy wasn't feeling great and thought it was just a cold/flu. If they're a slightly different color from all your other ones or if they have uneven edges then get them checked. My stepmom first noticed I was leaning on things more than I was before and not standing straight anymore, she was concerned but didn't think much of it. Bleeding. What I found was like if you cut a grape in half longways and stuck it your testicle. I 'thought' it would be when I was in my sixties not forties. Biopsy came back the day before her resection surgery and we found out she had stage 3 colon cancer. Some weirdness on exam and something not right on the x-ray led to a surgery which revealed a tumor on his hip that was a very rare form of cancer (even more rare to have started in a bone and in a younger person). I knew I was too old to have children (and I already had an 11-year-old son). Take care of yourself. He thought it might be an ulcer caused by some medication; turned out to be a tumor. On his walk out to the car he had to stop twice to catch his breath. Don’t forget about the caregivers. The doctor almost didn't believe anything was wrong until the results from the blood work came back. Typical procedure after a diagnosis is to get into surgery within a week to remove the entire testicle. Put me on some steroids and watched me until I had normal level platelets then I just.. went home. Surgery to remove the affected lobe of her lung, chemo and radio. If anyone here thinks that something is wrong, please get it checked out. I never asked how bad the bleeding was, and while I sill can since he's now in remission, I'll probably forget to ask. Good luck, though! Nearly 9 out of 10 cancers are diagnosed in people ages 50 and older. I have a weird lump on my neck. Ended up with what I thought was a cold just before my baby was born, cough wouldn't go away, three weeks after she was born found out I had lung mets. I was in the hospital for a totally unrelated surgery and the nurse that was helping me out of bed said, "Woah, you need to get that mole checked. What symptoms did you experience before the cancer diagnosis? Same age as us very active and health in all other aspects. Why am I on this thread?! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Hair is … Press J to jump to the feed. It’s more common than I realized in young adults and that’s why the treatment is so good. Cancer can be found in people of all racial and ethnic groups, but the rate of cancer occurrence (called the incidence rate) varies from group to group. Naturally, I chose the first. The spots were petechiae from low platelets and my white blood cells were through the roof. The cancer had spread to his lymph nodes. After the over the counter treatments didnt work he went to the doctor. I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer at age 32, five weeks after I had my first child. (which i attributed to stress). For people’s information, if you feel ANYTHING weird down there, go see a doctor. I was at the surgical center for a few hours and it’s really a low risk thing. Most of all, I knew that I could die and had to, once again, put my life in the hands of more doctors that had failed me on more than one occasion. For months up to diagnosis, I was going to bed earlier ( sleeping about 8-9 hours per night) and experienced some hair loss. She kept on going back to the GP again and again, but they kept trying to fob her off by telling her to "eat more green veg." I'm always tired. Not me, but my dad, he felt constipated, couldn't evacuate his bowel properly and had little bleeding, so he went to the doctor had a colonoscopy and we found out he had a massive tumor in his lower intestine, it was cancer, so 6 surgery's later, a relapse and a second tumor, the doctors suggested to close his anal cavity and put a colostomy bag, to make sure another tumor won't appear in his intestine. It’s an intense combination of drugs, to the point where you can’t go through with the whole regiment continuously. My dad was having having bowel issues and was constipated frequently. Passed away right around the estimate. You’ll get a lot of saline for hydration and they’ll give you a diuretic because the drugs can’t stay in your system for too long (I think). He has colon and lung cancer but is responding well to treatment. Fuck. The scan will help confirm the diagnosis and pinpoint for the surgeon exactly where the problem is. good luck!! Pneumonia saved his life. If the disease is diagnosed in a later stage, doctors may also recommend chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy prior to surgery. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. I knew then. My cousin is going through cancer treatments and his started with complete and utter exhaustion. Yes! They told me the body can’t take 20 treatments in a row. So many people told me '100% chance' it is nothing. By the time lung cancer is diagnosed as the cause of back or shoulder pain, it’s anyone’s guess how long the cancer had been there before the patient first began realizing there was a problem with their back or shoulder. I went for a general checkup because I was concerned about some red spots on my arms. Steinman, on the other hand, did have the type that is usually fatal within a year after diagnosis. One of my husband's friends kept getting winded while they were playing hockey. If the doctor had actually listened to her and not decided she was being a hypochondriac, she'd still be here today. If you are not well, you cannot help. Anyway, hope you're doing okay now too! Don’t worry about losing your hair. I always want to sleep. Good luck, by the way. “There had been no doubt about her diagnosis,” he says. Found out a few weeks pregnant it was breast cancer. Not me but my dad. “But now there was nothing in the biopsies, or the scans.” Somehow, she had … Over the last few months, She was feeling really tired, and low energy all of the time and foggy/confused. My nephew was 10 and his eyes were blurry/ double vision went to the opticians and instantly seen something in his eye.. brain tumour. That's particularly aggressive type of cancer and usually deadly unless you happen to catch it while a-symptomatic. How long did you have blood in your stool for? I lucked out big time. It was just like she felt after she had two of our kids. It was an extra stressful and unhappy time in our little corner of Cubeville. … The reason I ask is because a family member of mine had colon cancer and that was the symptom that made him realize there was a problem. I have leukemia. My buddy had this happen, he was afraid to go into the doctor... it was the size of a mandarin before he went. Before an MS Diagnosis, Rule Out These Conditions First Lyme disease, B12 deficiency and many other health problems can sometimes look like MS. By Heidi Godman , Contributor March 31, 2017 Stage 4 bladder cancer, two operations and he still passed away within a few months. Call the doctor ASAP. I ended up in the hospital because of the same red dots! Pay attention people! “It was Christmas Eve and we had finished dinner,” explains Dave. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. He was a runner, super fit, always on the move. Chest pain is another potential symptom. Actually, I'm in remission now. My Wife had thyroid cancer. I'm so thankful to read that your dad is responding well to treatment. They recently found another primary tumour in the lung so she's having SABR therapy. Press J to jump to the feed. My doctor had me get a colonoscopy because of blood in my stool. I’m not going to lie: Losing your hair is really weird. Here he was thinking he only had a UTI.
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i knew i had cancer before i was diagnosed reddit 2021