So about 10g a day of creatine monohydrate. I don't agree with that because both are safe and effective, but because of that, I had to change the dosing instructions to just once a day on the bottle. Our bodies are designed to work all day long—you're not going to overtrain. An interesting thing about squats and muscle involvement was discovered in the lab with weight, and what they found was that if you use more than 80% of your one-rep max—so somewhere in the 6-8 rep range—you use mainly hamstrings during the squat. That's where you're going to pinch a nerve, pinch a disc, and cause real issues. Explode on the way up. Now if you want to do the explosive reps but you find that your bodyweight is a little too much, you can use a bench. However, that's all due to the energy systems that are involved in what you're training. You'll also feel more upper pec involvement when you do it this way, and you'll feel that it's far safer on the shoulders—you have less stress on the shoulder joint. Jim Stoppani's 6-Week Shortcut to Strength | Jim Stoppani, PhD, has been relentlessly experimenting in the field of human performance for over 20 years. The first one (the one published Feb 2012) rushes a beginner through just a few weeks of 3x frequency, and drops the beginner into 2, 3, 4 day splits -- lower and lower frequency down to 1x -- over the course of 3 months. Whereas if you have it both overhand, it can slip out of the hands. This is going to be Workout 4, also known as Day 6 of the Shortcut to Strength Program. One of the things I like to recommend on crunches is you want to focus on more of the vertical movement—bringing the shoulders and back up—versus horizontal movement, bringing your head towards your knees. It's actually enhancing your recovery during those sets. So if you see me out on the street, please stop by and say hi. They literally start from the legs—the power drives through the legs, through hips, through the torso, and then up the arms. It is a 12 week bodybuilding program broken down into three 4 week phases. You're not going to fatigue. Wikipedia Stoppani Shortcut To Strength Pdf Next Jim Stoppani's Shortcut To Shred Sport Stoppani Shortcut To Shred Pdf Shortcut To Shred Jim Stoppani Shortcut To Shred. It'll kill you. JIM STOPPANI’S 12-WEEK SSHORTCUTIZE WWW.BODBUILDING.COMSHORTCUT SHORTCUT TO SIZE The 12-week program I am about to take you through is based on one of the oldest, tried and true methods for gaining strength … Feel free to use wrist straps. Get the science behind the shred. Overall, Shortcut to Shred reviews are positive and show that the program can be effective for building muscle and leaning out. You know, problems with the bar industry over the last few decades have really been about truth in nutrition labeling. So thanks for sharing that, and congratulations—keep up the great work. Absolutely not—in fact, you will probably continue making strength gains. If you jump from Shortcut to Strength to Shortcut to Shred, I would be that you'll continue gaining more strength. Those are a few of the variables that we use to make up a workout. So the arch can be quite ridiculous. So, same concept here: 3 sets of 3 reps, you want to do these explosive on the positive but you want to control the negative. Terms of Use. Jim Stoppani received his doctorate in exercise physiology with a minor in biochemistry from the University of Connecticut. I'll keep the weight the same. What we have found on the jump squat is bodyweight is the ideal weight that you want to use. Now, this is a full-body workout. Although the program is not a full-body designed program—you have a bench day, you have a squat day, you have a deadlift day—the power day is a pretty much full-body. So if you have any forearm issues, you might want to stick with the overhand grip. However, that doesn't mean that glutamine is useless. If you're going light weight but high reps and you know your grip is going to fatigue? The choice is up to you, but what I would suggest is use a stance that's similar to the stance you use when you do squats. He’s helped you add size. You have weight, you have exercises, you have exercise order, you have rest periods. So if you find that you just can't really launch yourself off the ground on the push-up, try doing it on the bench. Good question. Bear with me. With dumbbells I can go much higher, more range of motion, I'm using more lat muscle fibers. One problem here, though, is it can compromise the forearm. It's all about moving that weight fast and explosive. For a powerlifter, the bench press is a full-body exercise. So I'll count that as 3 of my first one. Don't just be lifting it and dropping it, and lifting it and dropping it. Give it a try, you'll be amazed at what that simple movement of the thumb can do for your lat involvement. Now the reason I use dextrose is it has no fructose. With an open grip, the weight is now just hanging in your arm. So how much arch is really up to you and what your focus is on. If the body's levels of glutamine are depleted from a workout, you're more susceptible to getting a cold or flu. I'm not one of these trainers who'll tell you to be careful of overtraining. So those are two ways that you can go about trying to include more overall calories, but particularly more of the protein and the fat that's going to be essential for muscle growth. However, you should also be doing the same thing even with heavier sets, adjusting your rest time—some workouts resting longer so that you have better recovery and you can lift more weight. The thumb is on the same side as my fingers. If you go and read some of the reviews of people who've completed it, you'll see. Why or why not?". When you use the open grip, the bar literally sits down at the bottom of your palm and so when you're pressing through the forearm, the force is coming up directly through the forearm bones into the bar. Question: "Jim, if we add cardioacceleration to any program if fat loss is the main goal, and then followed by 20-30 minutes of steady-state cardio after, would it hinder the muscle gains or be beneficial?". You always want to get heavier as you progress." So the question is if you're even doing cardioacceleration should you then do additional steady-state if you really want to maximize muscle growth, or is that too much cardio and will that end up hindering muscle growth? Another trick that a lot of teenagers I'll recommend do is to use like a mass gainer shake, like I have my Mass JYM that's coming out any day now—very soon Mass JYM will be out. I start my fast when I go to sleep, which is pretty much when I end my feeding window. Like I said, while you're sleeping that means your body is providing an amino acid source from your diet. We're going to start with legs, and the first exercise we're going to do is jump squats. That's not fast reps. And again, like with the push-press here, you want to use those legs to initiate that momentum. First of all is safety—when you're jumping and landing with a weight on your back it's not the best thing for your spine, so you have that issue. Well, we definitely know that 40g of creatine monohydrate, at least, which is used for a loading phase, is very safe. Do you have any recommendation on what someone at a beginner/intermediate level should be taking?". So 3 sets of 3 on deadlifts. The problem with protein bars is that I won't release it until it's A. absolutely delicious, and B. meets my macro requirements—and I mean my real macro requirements. Well lo and behold, what the research now shows is that whey protein's fast digestibility is both its benefit and its downfall. The latest research actually shows that when it's used at night, as opposed to any other time of day, it's far more beneficial for muscle growth. Choice is up to you. That blend is ideal for muscle growth. Once you're done with the jump squats, we're going to do another squat exercise: This is going to be just a standard squat. If you're not covered with a good protein powder and a pre-workout and a post-workout to help with recovery and exercise performance, jumping right into a fat burner is probably not your best bet. The reason that creatine works is it provides what's called "high-energy phosphates". So really, that is all that you need for creatine. I've read mixed research and I'm not sure if it's actually doing anything for me.". It’s easy and fun to follow, but most certainly, gives you a clear direction towards a desired end result (building size and strength simultaneously) so no more pissing about with useless exercises . Well, the only athlete is really me—I'm the scientist, I'm the athlete, I'm pretty much everything to the brand. Once you've got those areas covered in your supplements, then I would worry about the fat burner, but not until you have those other areas covered. Like I said, make sure you give yourself ample rest. I had a motorcycle accident as a teenager, and so I have a crushed lumbar spine. There's no such thing as cheating when it comes to explosive reps—you want to use those other muscle groups to get that momentum going. But here, just like with the squat, you're going to come down slow and controlled on the negative but explode it up off your chest. And because I'm using explosive movement, I want that weight to be able to move as high as possible—I don't want it to be limited by my own body. “I’ve laid the groundwork for you by doing the research in the lab to find out what really works, designing the programs and systems, creating the content, and developing the technology. And we'll basically pretty much hit each muscle group with light weight and low reps. Now, typically that combination goes the opposite way—heavy weight and low reps. Today we're doing 3-rep sets. You also want to get creatine into those muscles post-workout—which you should be taking—and creatine requires insulin to get into those muscles. So that's really the reason why we don't sponsor athletes, is because I'm really the athlete of the brand. If you were eating—let's say—chicken around workouts instead of protein powder, the time it takes to digest that chicken and get to your muscles is going to be too slow to really provide a true benefit. And so people tend to be afraid of consuming fat when they really shouldn't be. So you want to rest a little more than I'll be demonstrating this workout. Do muscles need recovery between sets or is a continuous set needed for growth?". Jim Stoppani’s Shortcut To Shred is a six-week programme – basically a crash course – designed to help you “torch fat, drop excess weight, and get lean faster than ever”.It revolves around a six-workouts-per-week training split, which has you hitting shoulders, traps, chest, back, biceps, triceps and legs two times per week, and abs four times per … However, the weight that we're going to be lifting is extremely light—about 50% of your one-rep max—but you're stopping at 3 reps. Again, don't mimic my rest periods here—you want to rest a bit longer than I'm doing, I just don't want to bore you guys standing around resting. And so now what happens is you initiate that movement not from the arm but from the lats, because the weight is just hanging from the hook—which is your hand. I'm a firm believer in doing plenty of work. Is that okay on a daily basis?". We've done legs—I did the jump squat followed by barbell squat, both fast and explosive. Question: "How many different supplements would be too many to be taking? With the standing shoulder press, like I said, it's more of a push press. Literally millions of people have completed my Shortcut To Size program and gained significant amounts of lean muscle mass while getting stronger and even leaner. What research has shown is that when you do crunches explosively like that, it not only maximizes the ab involvement but it also maximizes the oblique involvement. It's just something that's very natural to me. Would I lose some of my strength gains if I did the Shortcut to Shred rather than any other strength-based program?". Now, obviously we don't need them today because we're using very light weight and very low reps, but if you're doing let's say high-rep deadlifts—you don't want your grip to be the limiting factor when you put the weight down. First thing I would recommend is to focus on protein. A beginner probably doesn't need a test booster, probably doesn't need a fat burner, probably doesn't need any specialty supplements. The bar gets pressed straight up. Don't focus on this, focus on trying to come up as high as you can. That doesn't mean I recommend taking it only once a day, that's just what I'm limited to saying publicly. They are breaking their PRs on exercises like the deadlift while they're doing cardio in between their sets, and it's due to the fact that it's active recovery. Remember, we're doing extremely light weight—about 50% of our one-rep max—and only 3 reps. Once we hit 3 reps, you stop. So they do their close-grip, they bring their hands to where their thumbs touch and then they do their close-grip. However, if you're trying to maximize fat loss you still want to focus on muscle building. So definitely check out my Shortcut to Shred. Training Overview | Jim Stoppani's Shortcut to Strength von vor 3 Jahren 10 Minuten, 46 Sekunden 111.309 Aufrufe Follow , Jim Stoppani's , systematic guide to your best lifts ever—and earn the muscle to match! After protein, then you want to start considering things like creatine, beta-alanine, and branched-chain amino acids, which are going to enhance your workout performance and your recovery. Are there tips you have to be able to maintain muscle and progress for people like me?". You can take them at the same time. All it does is increase the tension and stress on the wrist, and so you're better off sticking with, like I said, a shoulder-width grip on the close-grip bench press because you're already maximizing triceps involvement and you're reducing stress on the wrist which makes for a heavier lift. And then explode—literally pushing my heels through the ground as I pull the bar up. Workout Review: Jim Stoppani’s 12 Week Shortcut To Size With an opening gambit of ‘Real Science, Unreal Results’, I couldn’t help but be interested in this workout. Now, grip width on the close-grip bench press—what the research actually shows is that—you'll see a lot of people doing what we call the "thumb touch". Very interesting question. You'll get more of a launch, and like I said that helps develop better power. Remember you don't want to go this quick—give yourself a break in between, let those fast-twitch muscle fibers recover before you hit your next set of 3. With a powerlifting move, you're more—if you notice, powerlifters will come—they'll put the balls of their feet on the ground and they literally will drive right off the bench. That's basically the energy molecule that your muscles use to contract, and one of the things that have to be replenished between sets are your levels of creatine phosphate. Check back here at for more live sessions from me. And what you want after a workout is a big insulin spike, because you want to recover quicker. Not just based on the weight—like I said, most people rest longer during heavy sets and rest shorter during lighter sets. Now, here we're going to do more than 3—we're going to do 3 sets of 10 reps. Now what's really interesting about crunches and speed is most people, when they do their crunches, think that the best way to do them is slow and controlled, right? The problem here is that your intestines, your digestive system, and your immune system use glutamine as a fuel source. First of all, he says whey isolate shake—you want to stop focusing on whey, guys. This is going to be Workout 4, also known as Day 6 of the Shortcut to Strength Program. So just give me time and I will definitely have a Pro JYM bar to you very soon. So your legs will initiate the momentum and then you follow with the shoulders, and that's called the push press. If you train close to one of the meal times, simply replace that meal with the pre workout meal and follow up with the next scheduled meal about 1 hour after your postworkout meal. And again, 3 sets of 3. And this is just regular back squats with a barbell. You can extend as far back as you want with as much weight as you want, and your spine is not in a compromised position whatsoever. Same thing, I use an open grip—and I'll talk about grip width in a minute as well. Research shows once you've gone to shoulder width, any closer on the bar does not involve any more triceps muscle activity. So 3 sets of 3—and again, like I said, you want to use about 50% of your one-rep max. What you typically end up doing is undereating. So it helps to focus more on the lats whether you're doing pulldowns like I said, dumbbell rows, barbell rows, or even seated rows. Now, again, with protein powders like Pro JYM, what the benefit here is you're getting the most anabolic protein sources: You're getting dairy—which is whey and casein—along with egg. Alright, last exercise is crunches. It is best suited for athletes with aesthetic or hypertrophy goals. I want people and athletes to use the supplement because they truly believe it's the best supplement to take. It's a weaker joint than the elbow and the shoulder and that can limit the strength on the bench press. Leave the forearm and grip training to forearm and grip training. Privacy Policy You're literally just bringing your upper back and shoulders off the ground. Now, there are a couple of reasons. I'm a firm believer in using what I call the open grip, which I'll talk about in a minute. So I prefer using the dumbbells so that I have that freedom to really bring my elbows up with that explosive power. That way you get those fast, explosive reps at the beginning of the set when they're not fatigued, so you develop the most power. So I've actually been working on a protein bar, probably a couple of years now. Whereas when you get heavier—down into the 5-6 rep range—then you typically tend to rest longer so that you have better recovery between sets. So last set of 3, and then if we have any more questions we'll take them before we move on to the next exercise. Then you rack the weight. Carbs post-workout, my recommendation is fast-digesting carbs like my Post JYM, which is pure dextrose. Alright, so now we're getting back to the workout. Like I mentioned before—I don't know if you were here in the live session when I was talking about the Shortcut series—but Shortcut to Shred? It's really a strength program. I've done my legs with jump squats and power squats. No. But again, that's a ridiculous amount to take. When you grab a bar or dumbbell and you use a closed grip, what happens is you grip that bar and you tend to use your arms to lift the weight. Now, when you look at a workout plan on your phone, pad, or desktop computer, you will see the exact same thing. You can play around with those percentages as well, trying a little lighter and even a little heavier depending on the exercise. And the concept here is the closer you go the more triceps involvement you get—which is wrong. Nothing that I would recommend everyone do—unless you find that it's just more ideal for your own biomechanics. Do we have any questions to take before? Overall, Shortcut to Shred reviews are positive and show that the program can be effective for building muscle and leaning out And then the other thing I'll say about the deadlift is the grip. These are basically push presses, if you will, or a standing shoulder press. Now I'm going to go into dumbbell presses for shoulder.
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