Hi everyone, I am very new to this board but have no where else to turn at this point. did I make a huge mistake in leaving my husband? Such a mistake, in fact, that in July last year - and seven years after they got divorced - Linda, now 53, and her husband Billy, 58, a businessman, remarried. A few months ago, I met a new man and we moved in together. I have no idea how he is feeling or what is happening with his dating life. We were separated, nothing unusual there.And I did say earlier its not so much the safety net (although that is the downside of being a LP) its the friendship and the companionship I miss. Even though I was married, he was interested, but I let him know I was married and it couldn't be. Dear Abby: I've always been a screw-up, and this mistake was my worst. If your husband is “having a fit” that’s a red flag. Please select 'ok' to extend your session and prevent losing any content you are working on from being lost. I know what you mean about the shared history and realising that you still love someone, the horrible mix of emotions. I really never stopped thinking about him but I do have my days where its better and I tell myself it wont work long term especially if we both aren't committed 100% to putting the work in. I wonder if you are still having a lot of contact with him and this is stopping you from moving on? Because if I didn’t honor my own feelings, I would be lying to myself and my husband, which felt far more like a betrayal than leaving. After 3 weeks I realised what a stupid mistake I had made and how much I missed and wanted my husband and my old life back. I am 26 years old I married my high school sweetheart at the age of 21 had our first baby at 21 now we have 3 girls we have been going through a lot in the past 8 years we have been together and in the past 5 years of marriage we are currently going through one of the hardest times in our … But he is now cold to me. I Left My Husband but It Was A Mistake: My Biggest Mistake Was Leaving My Husband. His brother is extreamly racist and hates me for the color of my … Do you want answers to your biggest question - how can I win my Some people where shocked she left her husband because he refused to work, while some said she has done the right thing by working out of the marriage since he couldn’t feed his family. Carlyanaya 8:59 pm on October 22, 2017. I thought I had it all figured out. Husband found out, I am not sure if he wants to leave me or not, but I am willing to do anything to fix it. Judith Regan: My Favorite Mistake Is Leaving My Husband In this week's Newsweek, Judith Regan on loving and leaving her abusive ex. I keep thinking did I make a huge mistake in leaving my (almost) ex. I couldn't possibly go back to her. He tried telling me we will get through it, move forward, don't look at the past etc but I haven't heard from him since. It doesn't have to be an awful situation (for me it helps that I felt like a LP even when H lived here as he wasn't very involved, to put it mildly). Being on my own is lonely and I miss him, and all the things he used to do, like bringing me a cup of tea in the morning, or listening to me and helping me see sense and not doing anything stupid socially (I'm emotional and impulsive and he moderated me). He never talks to me about his feelings. Then I made the dreadful mistake of falling for a man I worked with: Damien. Was anti-counselling then suggested it when I wanted a divorce. I made the biggest mistake of my life and need help. and I've even been on a couple of dates!The worst time was once we had decided to split up but he still lived here, it was agony and I honestly felt like someone had died (and actually they had - it was him, the man I thought I'd married who had disappeared and been replaced by someone I didn't' know anymore). Before you can post or reply in these forums, please join our online community. I also think you may be feeling a little remorseful for moving on. And since leaving him I have become stronger and more empowered, lost weight, bought myself make-up and new clothes (always had to argue my case for new clothes as he was the breadwinner, I was SAHM, it was always "his" money). Mistake I made a huge mistake divorcing my ex. I … WOW!!! I’m not naive to the fact that there are trying times in every relationship and that most husbands and wives want to strangle each other in … My Biggest Mistake Was Leaving My Husband: I Left My Husband but It Was a Mistake. Dear Coleen I’ve been married to my husband for 14 years and we’ve been together for 20. I was so sure it was what I wanted. Worried about loneliness, managing. 13, 2017 2:52PM ET / Published Apr. But you are the only one who knowns which path is the right one for you. So, you’re enjoying the flattery and the belated “Wow, I made a mistake.” That’s human. As to whether you'll live out your life alone, who knows? Your session is about to expire. And the experience has made me more compassionate and a gentler holistic health coach for my clients affected by relationship stress. You are a different person now, stronger and more confident. Today, she advises a woman who wonders if leaving her husband was the right decision? My marriage was difficult, and I did not take the decision of divorce lightly. He’s a lovely man but I’ve often wondered whether I … Six months that something2say that is exactly it - we were very dependent on each other and rather than blossoming, we wilted. We have been separated 2 years now, at my initiation, and are partway through our divorce. I miss cuddles and foot rubs the most tbh! I'm unsure where/if it would slide into my life 2 years on. I have been reading all of your articles and you have given me hope in my marriage. I have been with my husband for 8 years, married for 5 years and when I realised it wasn't working for me about a year ago, I officially moved out of our family home. I went through a similar thing, worrying that my life would suddenly change and that I would have to move house, get a rubbish job to make ends meet etc.The reality is that I'm able to work part-time doing a job I really enjoy, with the financial help I get as a LP and H's contribution I should be able to stay in my home (he wants that stability for the DCs) and I have time with the DCs on his days to work extra hours or spend time on hobbies. Your H might be blaming you, insulting you, doing everything it can to He has had other relationships also. I did not fancy him in the least, perhaps because I was so angry at how he was treating me, even now I have no physical desire for him. I ’m in my late 50’s and my soon to be ex-husband is 61. I wonder why do I keep thinking about him and miss his love so much if deep down I know I wont be happy with my husband but its hard when we shared vows. Use that to find new hobbies, meet new people and look forward instead of back.Love and intimacy will happen when you least expect it I'm sure. Had a month or two of fear and sadness but then it settled down, and like DoingItForMyself says, it was like a weight had been lifted, and I gradually became more empowered as I found my inner strength and did more things that I had never done before because he had always done them DoingItForMyself the problem is I need some money coming and and I need it asap, I can't manage on benefits. UPDATE #3 I've added a more detailed update here. I just didn't feel in love and disinterested, marriage is hard work and I felt exhausted. Because he is insecure and doesn't believe he can find anyone else and was as dependent on me as I was on him, so I don't think he has fully moved on. He’s a great man. I worry that maybe I should have settled with what I had... Get back with him, give it a couple of months and you'd be ready to kill him. He makes me feel so demotavited and he never tells me I'm beautiful. Over the first few months after we separated he said he was going to fight for me, but I have no idea what that meant as he didn't do anything. All this was happening as I was establishing my practice as a certified holistic health coach, a career I had been training in for 15 years. Maybe your feeling a little scared that over time this relationship your starting now will be worse and you may be in the same situation you are now. I Left My Husband but It Was A Mistake: My Biggest Mistake Was Leaving My Husband Just the thought of being separated from someone you thought would be with you for a lifetime and someone you thought you'd grow old with could bring a rush of hurt and pain, more so when it all happens to you. Have you been feeling like your husband does not want you anymore? Your feelings of regret are understandable, but look at all the things you have done for yourself since you separated, your improved self esteem etc. Maybe counseling would be a good idea for yourself, get those confusions out on the table so to speak. I was married 10 years and was contacted by an ex boyfriend on Facebook. That isn’t to say that you haven’t ever had some great sex with other people, but if this person you’re thinking of was the most memorable sex in your life, then you may have made a mistake… Its is also hard when he is still fully involved in my families life and they adore him. I already dealt with this twice and wasn't willing to go through it again. Thankfully SHE dumped HIM and it took about a year for us to reconcile. We have been separated 2 years now, at my initiation, and are partway through our divorce. I can't imagine ever going back and much as I would love to meet someone new, I now realise that I can love myself, which I never really did when I was with XH, because he made me feel unlovable, as Whitney once said"I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone's shadowsIf I fail, if I succeedAt least I'll live as I believeNo matter what they take from meThey can't take away my dignityBecause the greatest love of allIs happening to meI found the greatest love of allInside of meThe greatest love of allIs easy to achieveLearning to love yourselfIt is the greatest love of all"Cheesey but true! We all make huge mistakes but eventually, when the tears stop coming, we are compelled to find the value of the consequences. I have oscillated between being adamant I want out and trying to reach out to my husband and offer an olive branch. I also think you have to be realistic about time frames - 2 years isn't that long to get over such a long relationship, but at 4 years things may well feel very different.Of course it is unrealistic to think one can be riotously happy all the time, and of course you'll need to make compromises in any future relationship, but there is a warmth and contentment that is perfectly possible in a relationship and you didn't appear to have with your ex. It may not be as difficult as you may have previously thought if you know what to do. In the end the negatives outweighed the positives and people don't change. Tired, if you're lucky you will feel like I do instead - this is the best thing for all of us, H is happy with his own space, the DCs spend a lot more time with him than they ever have before and don't have to live in an atmosphere of bickering and oppression, I get me-time, no-one judging and criticising, financial independence (well, some of it is his money, but he can't tell me how to spend it anymore!) I think this is very common. Oh and a good shoulder rub, I may hire a massuer! Never settle for second best (if it feels that way) alone is not great, making appointments when you can have a bath etc. 22 People Who Regret Divorcing Their Spouse . Judith Regan Updated Jul. Your family will learn to love who ever your with as they did your husband. I just miss him, the stability, being his priority and world but I felt lonely with him never being home, and begging for things to be done and he made me feel so demotivated. I was the one who was pushing for it and who I constantly felt lonely with him doing shift work, I was tired begging him to help around the house and to make time for us, the intimacy was 3 years long gone but he loves me, I am his world, we had each other, he worked himself to the bone to ensure we had what we needed and wanted, I could say jump and he would say 'how high'...I regret taking advantage of his kind heartedness and now realise he was probably depressed too. And if it doesn't, would it really be better to be back where you were, feeling down-trodden and under-valued with someone you don't want to have sex with? You wanna a cuppa made for you in the morning? But at the brink of completing our divorce, when it all seems so final, and when I do still care for him, its bound to arouse strong emotions I guess. My husband helped me move, supported me, told me to take all the time I need and he will be here waiting for me, we need each other, do better as a team and we'll get through it. Work on making yourself happy before you worry about getting involved with someone else's needs and wants. I'm separating soon and shit scared and suffering agonies of guilt and indecision. It has been over a year now since my husband and I separated. I have no idea. Its been a year since you left your partner has anything happened between you and him in this year to make you think that you still want to be with him. Please Everything has been bliss, he is everything I wanted in my husband. Megan McLemore's story about divorcing her husband but realizing the divorce was a mistake and re-marrying later on. Single parenting is never the easy option but can be very fulfilling. ... And I will live with that because I made the mistakes, and I own that it was my fault. Friend refusing to be godfather because of his boyfriend. You have said a few things that came to my attention. I knew it was a big risk when I left him that I would never find that again but having tried to date for the past two years I didn't realise the odds were stacked that much against me and finding another man I'd be happy with seems an impossible task right now. x. And how much I loved him. My ex-husband and I were separated for a year and a half and God pruned me, taught me, and comforted me in that time. Then to have all of the things that you wanted to happen with your husband now happen with your new partner would be bringing up a lot of reminders about your relationship. Mumsnet has not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. The first whisper reads, "I regret divorcing my husband ...there's always something to regret" That he rejected my subsequent offers of counselling out of fear of being hurt again, and quite rightly so. I had escaped a Prisoner of War camp, never to return. I have been unhappy in my marriage for over 3 years now, and have been trying to make it work, and just finally told my husband this week, that it is over. Lizzabadger I have very little contact with him, he sees the kids every week and so I see him at pick-up and drop-off but conversation is kept to a minimum, we keep all communications to the kids and house. I'm looking forward to earning my own money tbh after having to ask permission to spend "his" money but worry about the effect its going to have on the kids. Six months since I left him for another man. Headphones, Wireless Headphones, Headsets, Microphones - Integrated Systems - Service & Support - Sennheiser Discover True Sound - Top-quality products and tailor made solutions for every aspect of recording, transmission Honey, you need to choose your friends more carefully in future. I knew I made the biggest mistake the second he caught me. When I split up from my ex, I had feelings like yours for 2 or 3 years. This is page 1 of 3 (This thread has 72 messages.). i am sure, And you regard a man like him as being your 'best friend'? And I still love him. I want also to move back to Wales to be near my family and old life but I have no means of doing so at the moment and my boyfriend says he will leave me if I try to move away as he wants to stay in Kent. whats more, my constant badgering has You're allowed to work part-time/term time if it helps, you don't have to put your DCs with child-minders. Finally, I … Plus: I find it rude that customers unload their basket while my purchases are still on the conveyor belt. My "husband" and I have had an ongoing dispute about his older brother moving back in "our" home when he gets paroled again. Yes there will be a few sacrifices financially, but its worth it for my freedom.WRT meeting someone else, once you are happier in yourself you'll be in a better frame of mind to meet someone new. Reader Writes In’ I got confused. I am severely depressed and anxious. The stability of our relationship and being he's priority. I've definitely been a stronger happier person for standing on my own two feet even though it has been terrifying at times, and everyone who knows me can see I have changed for the better.tiredofwaitingforitalltochange I was terrified also, we had to share a house for 18 months after separating and the tension was terrible, towards the end I was having headaches every day, neither of us felt relaxed in our own home. Do you and your husband have children together or was it just the two of you. But I felt like I had no other option. Three months later I had calmed down a bit and was willing to try, but he said he had "moved on" and no longer wanted to. If I can find a job after not working all these years!! I know I'm better, stronger, happier without him, and a better mother, but still...I know so many women in crap marriages that stay in them for the security, respectability, children, etc...and I miss being able to share stuff at the end of the day like something funny one of the kids did...And having a financial safety net vs next to no savings and pressure put on me by the benefits office to get a job (just switched to jobseekers as my youngest is almost 6) and after being a SAHM for all my kids' life now will have to put them with childminders because I have to work. It has been six months since leaving my husband. Separation may be the end of something you once thought was forever, buts its also the beginning of the rest of your life, so embrace the challenge to make the next few years better than the last. I loved my husband but I went through a stage where I felt he had been neglecting me and was taking me for granted. Forum membership is open to anyone residing in Australia. did you ever go to counseling for yourself or both of you to try to repair the relationship. I doubt he would take me back now even if I wanted as he feels so hurt that I had other relationships since we separated and I can't ever change that. My husband helped me move, supported me, told me to take all the time I need and he will be here waiting for me, we need each other, do better as a team and we'll get through it. I Left My Husband but It Was A Mistake - Made A Mistake Leaving My Husband By Mark Penelope Jane on August 04, 2019 0 After a long evening in the kitchen, I was just about to take my apple pie out of the oven, when the telephone rang. Eighteen months ago, I screwed up in the worst way possible. But there was a lot of crap as well. Join the online community Community rules Coping during the Coronavirus outbreak. The first whisper reads, "I regret divorcing my husband ...there's always something to regret" In the heat of the moment, divorce can seem like the only option. He was behaving as if he didn’t want to be with me, arguing with me and our son all the time. So I need to keep my options open re job hours, but once in a job I'm guessing it would be easier to look for another one and if full-time is just awful for all of us I can keep looking for part-time. He wrote me a couple of cards - but rather pointedly they talked all about "wanting" me...but no mention of the "love" word whatsoever. Where there is hope there is possibility. eventually I left him for the guy I am still with now and my husband tried for months and months to get me back and I kept leading him on saying I want … Six months since I left him for another man. I have a new life now with my children. I'm worried I will feel as you do in two years. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. But I've thrown away my best friend and my security so I'm not sure it was a good trade-off. I ’m in my late 50’s and my soon to be ex-husband is 61. Biggest Mistake of my Life. And DoingItForMyself thank you for the lyrics How does he feel? My gut feel, knowing him well, is that if I begged enough now he would give it another go. Jeanne Phillips . This is what I have known I need to do, or I feel like I will be stuck here, unhappy, forever. I guess I need to just focus on things that make me happy like getting my career going and doing things I enjoy but I can't get my need for love and intimacy out of my head, even when I'm asleep I dream about being with someone. In today's installment of "weird and inexplicable shit we have found when doing up our house", I give you... Share the things that you love to save for, Ask the Food Standards Agency experts your questions about food allergies and intolerances. We are conditioned to forget bad memories, and to remember good ones.Don't know what the answer is, but it's common to value things the most when you are about to lose them and you are bound to be very emotional when your divorce is on the verge of happening.Wish you all the best.
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leaving my husband was a mistake 2021