However when the eternal nature of the soul is realised in all its glorious splendour and it is seen that it is infinitely more attractive than the most delightful sense object. Therefore it is established that those who propound oneness of the soul in all living entities are mistaken for even in the eternal soul there is also varieagatedness. Translation: Those who are on this path are resolute in purpose, and their aim is one. This being is known as sthita-prajna situated in perfect knowledge of transcendental consciousness. In this way there will be no contradiction. In worldly parlance one is known as a miser who is extremely stingy with their money. The all pervading, omnipresent, soul of all being and of the nature of being eternally, simultaneously one and distinctly different. Therefore it is established that only the spiritually intelligent who by the mercy of Sri Guru has attained devotion has the possibility to experience the Supreme Lord Krishna and His incarnations being ever immeasurable in all their forms with all comprehensive attributes, eternal and transcendental beyond all defects. Neither by accepting desires nor by rejecting desires is wisdom gained. The word hantaram being applicable to the soul is applicable to the Supreme Lord as well. So possessing spiritual intelligence, knowing the soul to be eternal, understanding it to be birthless and deathless being of an inexhaustible nature how is it possible for anyone to commit any act of destruction against the immortal soul which dwells in trillions of various and diverse living entities among the 8 million 400 thousand species of life throughout the billions of material universes. Now I am Your disciple, and a soul surrendered unto You. Details of song ये वादा रहा - ye vaadaa rahaa / ये वादा रहा-(Yeh Vaada Raha) has Hindi Film (Bollywood) song lyrics for thousands of songs. The use of cold and heat in this verse is symbolised as the summation of all external experiences. Translation: A person who is not disturbed by the incessant flow of desires–that enter like rivers into the ocean which is ever being filled but is always still–can alone achieve peace, and not the man who strives to satisfy such desires. Hence understanding this principle as fundamental whatever diversity and varieagatedness in the forms of bodies born from the womb of a female who was also conceived in the womb of a female that exists from the demigods down through the human species as well as to the animal species and the fish species and even including the immovable plants and trees it should be clearly understood that equanimity prevails regarding the essential nature of the immortal soul abiding therein whatever the bodily form and is eternal. But due to the fact that the soul remains within the physical body during deep sleep similar to the ego centered mind; it is possible to perceive the existence of the soul as an independent consciousness whereas the body is merely like a wooden box. As for the use of the word yoga meaning karma yoga which is the science of the individual consciousness attaining communion with the Ultimate Consciousness through actions without desiring fruitive results. This seers have concluded by studying the nature of both. The Supreme Lord possessing such supreme, transcendental attributes as being the Supreme Lord of all does not negate the existence of any living entity. If the Vedic scriptures did not address these three classes according to their predilections by prescribing the appropriate method for attainment of the heavenly spheres, then those living entities under the influence of passion and ignorance would be adverse to goodness unwittingly hindering their own progress. By the dissolution of all illusions the reflection also ends and any and all concepts of losing one’s individual existence by merging, immediately is terminated as knowledge of the eternal difference between the Supreme Lord and all living entities is self-evident by self-realisation. So from another angle of vision it is being confirmed that the eternal soul is indestructible changing its embodied form for another when the physical body perishes. Hence one should undeviatingly remain steadfast in spiritual intelligence. Awareness of the status and gradation of the various demigods and performing actions which are beneficial to them brings with it similar results in the material existence. These elders being consumed by greed of wealth are not likely to refrain from war. One should not perform penance and austerities with the hope of obtaining reward otherwise these activities also become frutive as well. Who is declared in the Puranas as being destitute of all defiling characteristics such as avidya or nescience. For eternal spiritual beings this very state itself is the verification for mukti or liberation. In regard to enjoyment of the senses of smell, sight etc. This is what is to be achieved by all living entities to make their life in the material existence successful. Thus it has been revealed in the Garuda Purana that at the time of death those of spiritual intelligence showing equanimity in all actions meditate on Lord Krishna and being under His protection are guided to salvation. The Supreme Lords activities are beyond the parameters of the material existence indicating his eternal transcendental position whereas all living entities in the material existence are subject to the cycle of birth and death. Without being happy there is no possibility of concentration of the mind. Those who possess such discrimination are considered wise. Translation: Do thou fight for the sake of fighting, without considering happiness or distress, loss or gain, victory or defeat–and, by so doing, you shall never incur sin. Prasanna-chetah refers to that delightful one whose mind is expunged of all impediments that hinders it from realising the eternal soul while bestowing the spiritual intelligence needed for illumination. Thus it is stated in Shabda Nirnaya that sat bhava is sadhu bhava, having meritorious disposition and we will see this word used again further in the Gita. Lord Krishna is instructing not to be overjoyed by the pleasing nor despondent over the unpleasant. Because He is the foremost among all performers of activities He is known as yushmat. By this revealing statement which is found in the Paingi scripture it is again clarified that the living entities are always distinctly different from the Supreme Lord. Thus these conjectures are to be completely rejected. One may perceive the ultimate truth during the night while others may not perceive the ultimate truth. Arjuna is asking how can he engage in battle with his superior Bhishma and his preceptor Drona. When a man and a woman are married it is often said that they have become one; but does that mean they have each lost their separate individual existence? One of the conditions of this modified state is its appearance called birth and another condition being its diametric opposite is known as death which by disappearing this ever existing reality passes into. Anvaya: raga–attachment; dvesa–detachment; vimuktaih–by one who has been free from such things; tu–but; visayan–sense objects; indriyaih–by the senses; caran–acting; atma-vasyaih–one who has control over; vidheya-atma–one who follows regulated freedom; prasadam–the mercy of the Lord; adhigacchati–attains. Thinking in this way one desiring liberation who is enlightened by the reality of the Vedas realises and follows the conclusion of the Vedas. All of His beauty and all of His wonderful and phenomenal attributes are recorded only to understand that He is the source, the original repository of all attributes. They do not lead to higher planets, but to infamy. Although material happiness is surely derived by experiencing worldly objects, the deceptive results of this perilous interaction is very succinctly summed up subsequently in verse 38 of the final chapter of Bhagavad-Gita. Anticipating such doubts Lord Krishna states: what is night for all creatures meaning those of uncontrolled senses whose minds are covered by ignorance like the night exist in the darkness of the self. The fruition of sorrow and pain is inevitable for one attached to sensual objects. They are not to be performed by sannyasis. Anvaya: trai-gunya–pertaining to the three modes of material nature; visayah–on the subject matter; vedah–Vedic literatures; nistraigunyah–in a pure state of spiritual existence; bhava–be; arjuna–O Arjuna; nirdvandvah–free from the pains of opposites; nitya-sattva-sthah–ever remaining in sattva (goodness); niryoga-ksemah–free from (the thought of) acquisition and preservation; atma-van–established in the self. The statements found of becoming one with the Lord are indicating that one attains the qualitative spiritual existence and association of the Supreme Lord. Even those of spiritual intelligence may be compelled to be reborn if there exists an effect from previous actions. te.avasthitAH pramukhe dhArtarAShTrAH ||2-6||. In the spiritual worlds the Ultimate Personality, the Supreme Lord dwells. Because of their temporary nature Lord Krishna counsels that reactions arising in the body due to perceptions of the senses should be tolerated as they are temporary. Because they are of dull wits and limited understanding. This is because any one of the rambling senses which the mind attaches itself to in pursuit of sense objects has the power to deviate one, taking away even their common sense and compelling them to be oblivious to their highest good which is realisation of the soul. What is the manner of speech and how does one speak and in what mood does one speak who situated with spiritual intelligence is in transcendent consciousness. Its characteristic is patience and endurance uninfluenced by passion or covered by ignorance. Kesava Kasmiri’s Commentary: One in knowledge understands that individual consciousness is beyond the material manifestation. Those whose activities are inherently protected under the secure guidance of spiritual intelligence are released from the bondage of continuous rebirth in the material existence. The Vedic scriptures are eternal and not subject to illusion. This Sri Rama whose feet are adored by Brahma, mourns in lamentation for his wife just like an ordinary mortal exhibiting extreme attachment. Being that the wisdom of soul cognition does not shine forth unto them who pursue sensual objects being likened to the darkness of night. Translation: For the soul there is never birth nor death. It can be understood that when one eats the hunger one had is appeased and the desire is satisfied as well; yet one would not consider theirself as the cause of the appeasal and satisfaction. One who is in knowledge knows that the self slays not nor is slain. This is the meaning Lord Krishna is conveying. By whatever way the sankhya system comes to be known that is the distinction of spirit from matter by that way it has been explained. Thus the knowers of the Ultimate Truth are realised and offer perpetual obeisance’s to the Supreme Lord Krishna whom they perceive within their heart of hearts as the indwelling monitor. Loha (लोहा) song from the album Insaniyat Ke Dushman is released on Mar 1986 . Like a river entering the ocean. Loha Song: Download Loha mp3 song from Theatre Bhagyadevi - Vol 1. The word kamas means desires or those things which one wishes to enjoy such as taste or touch. Nor is it possible to dispel the compulsive urge and inclination to experience sensual objects. But those who have their senses under control are aware and awake and experience everything through the perception of the realised soul. Anvaya: bhoga–material enjoyment; aisvarya–opulence; prasaktanam–those who are so attached; taya–by such things; apahrta-cetasam–bewildered in mind; vyavasaya-atmika–fixed determination; buddhih–devotional service of the Lord; samadhau–in the controlled mind; na–never; vidhiyate–does take place. He states that even while experiencing the senses if one has their mind under firm control the senses are also under firm control and one becomes successful. Consequently with this proper understanding, statements such as knowing the supreme brahman one becomes like brahman or aham brahmasi which means I am brahman understood in this light can be seen not to be in any way contrary to Vedanta. Those who are wise lament neither for the living nor the dead. دانلود فیلم چشم و گوش بسته Full HD با لینک مستقیم Download Full HD Cheshm Va Goosh Basteh Movie with direct link دانلود فیلم ایرانی با لینک مستقیم | دانلود فیلم Cheshm Va Goosh Basteh … One loses focus on the goal of material existence and the purpose of human life and lives in the darkness of nescience. These prescribed Vedic activities are established on the foundation that the atma is eternal and can never be modified or destroyed as delineated so clearly by Lord Krishna in chapter two. As there is no means for the destruction of the Supreme Lord there is also no means of destruction for the immortal soul. For whatever there is existing is pervaded by the soul as well and being pervaded by the soul itself verifies its less gross and most subtle position of all being subatomic. English Translation for Dosha - Danish-English Dictionary Since diverse qualities are common in various things, perceiving these qualities are possessed by others one should not conclude that they are absent in the Supreme Lord. This is the essence of the Vedic scriptures which lead to this conclusion and such being the case there can arise only one unshakeable conviction to one possessing spiritual insight. Therefore it is stated in the Varaha Purana that Shiva was ordered by Vishnu to arrange an illusion by inventing doctrines that would create delusion by propagating principles which do not actually exist in fact due to their not being founded upon eternal truth.
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