After recovering a tablet of extreme religious importance to the Trandoshans as a race and procuring an experimental device called the Cybernetic Nullifier, which is designed to negate cybernetic enhancements, the apprentice confronts Skotia. At Zash’s bidding, the inquisitor sabotages and ultimately destroys the cyborg Darth Skotia, thus paving the way for Zash to take his place and become a Darth. Athelis said, that the Voss have somewhat of a renegade cult called The Shadow Walkers, who walk inside dreams inside their mind. Where you are quickly brought in and abused by your overseer. Kallig's ancestor warns them that this is the last time they shall receive help from him, and then disappears. Kallig captures the ghost of the one who taught them and the ghost of the alchemist. Kallig uses the machine to rebuild his body. Kallig flees Dromund Kaas and goes to find more Sith and Jedi ghosts to capture, gaining strength so that the Inquisitor can defeat Thanaton. Zash is agitated by this and deploys the apprentice across Dromund Kaas on errands that will ultimately cumulate into Skotia's downfall. Overseer Harkun is "welcoming" the acolytes and shows surprise at seeing Kallig, but shows respect for Kallig's new position. Thanaton offers to take Kallig as his apprentice and tasks Kallig with entering the tomb of a dead Sith alchemist and acquire his teachings. However, her search had hit a snag when she discovered that the records she had found had been tampered by Thanaton. An Inquisitor is not against electrocuting one of their foes with lightning to show them just how serious they are. While sleeping on his/her ship, the apprentice got a surprise visit from Lord Kallig. One, Darth Iratus, had experienced body decaying and through extensive search he found a possible cure for his condition on planet Belsavis. The most formidable Inquisitors dared to explore unorthodox practices by investigating the enigmas of the past and by unlocking new powers for themselves. As the apprentice approached the tomb where the artifact was being kept, the apparition appeared. Zash had orchestrated Skotia's assassination so that she simply couldn't be the one who killed him, because she was at the cantina when her apprentice struck him down. Upon arriving in the tomb, Kallig is attacked by the ghost of the alchemist, but is saved by the his/her ancestor who tells Kallig that Thanaton sends those he wishes dead on this suicidal errand. Kallig decided to follow these two leads and set out to search for cure. At the same time, they receives a number of followers, recruited by Zash in preperation to have followers when she possessed the Inquisitor. On Alderaan, the apprentice learned that the artifact was inside the House Organa Vault, and he needed to eliminate the Jedi Knight Nomar Organa in order to acquire it. Zash, with Ashara's help, had already begun to find a cure for Kallig's condition. Arriving on Belsavis, the secret Republic prison world, which the Empire had recently discovered, Zash informed Kallig that what they were seeking is an ancient healing technology built by the Rakata millennia ago. Discovered to be Force-sensitive, the slave was sent to the Sith Academy on Korriban to be trained as a Sith Acolyte. It seemed that Kallig's apprentice was to be the Twi'lek acolyte, but then the Kaleesh acolyte, Xalek, beat the Twi'lek to death and handed the required relic to Kallig. On Corellia, Kallig first had to destroy Thanaton's power base before s/he could face Thanaton himself. Zash graces he apprentice with power and sets the Sith inquisitor on a new mission: the recovery of artifacts once belonging to the ancient Sith Tulak Hord. A duel ensues between Zash and her apprentice, with Zash eventually gaining the upperhand and about to complete the ritual when Khem interfers and kills Zash's body. They meet with a paculiar Imperial archaeologist Talos Drellik, who leads them to the ghost, who asks them to defile the tomb of their assassins. Before Kallig was able to go to Voss, he was contacted by Moff Pyron. Treek is the exact opposite of HK-51 in that where HK only holds a DPS role, Treek's roles are only that of either Healer or Tank. With the assistance of two former members of the cult, the apprentice is able to make his own cult and obtain the artifact. Profile. Kallig then gathers the alchemist's writings and returns to Thanaton, who is surprised and impressed by Kalligs survival, but upset that it had to come to direct conflict, saying that Kallig's death was a terrible waste. With that scheme successful, and Skotia's records now hers, Zash sent her apprentice to the Dark Temple to obtain Tulak Hord's artifact from a Sith apparition. Upon arrival, the Acolyte was assigned to Overseer Harkun, who had a complete hatred for non-Imperial Sith, especially slaves, as he openly discriminated the Acolyte i… Kallig's ancestor directs them to another Sith ghost, who teaches Kallig an ancient ritual called Force-walking, which allows the Sith to capture a Sith or Jedi ghost, containing them and tapping into their power. A Sith Acolyte who completes the trials and is accepted as the apprentice of a Sith Lord is considered Sith - no more, no less. In some cases, the individual pledged themselves to the teachings of the Sith Lord, thereby becoming the apprentice. The apprentice returns again to Dromund Kaas and confronts Zash, who is in the Dark Temple wearing a veil. He also informed him that Thanaton had surpassed his superior, who sat on the Dark Council, and now Thanaton too had become a member of the Council. The Sith inquisitor answers to Lord Zash, an eerily pleasant Sith Master. But depending on how players of the video game decided to take vengeance on their Sith Master, they may or may not have even known of this next, more perfected clone. Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. While searching more knowledge about Belsavis, she encountered mentioning about a group Nikto technicians called The Circle. Sith War Apprentices are level 29 humanoid enemies located on the planet Alderaan. With the help of Moff Pyron and other of Kallig's allies, Kallig eventually destroyed Thanaton's forces and was prepared to face him. The ritual could only be performed in the Dark Heart, located in the Voss Nightmare Lands, an area filled with darkness. Actually, I’ve played through this entire world a few times. The idea was to prepare the apprentice for Zash's plans. manages to bind the ghost of a powerful Sith Lord to himself. "2020, aÑo de la pluriculturalidad de los pueblos indÍgenas y afromexicano" siguenos: The apprentice took Kallig's warning to the heart and obtained the mask. Kallig traveled to meet these walkers and after achieving their initiation, Kallig traveled to the Shrine of Healing. 5 years ago | 29 views. Follow. Traveling to Quesh, Kallig finds his apprentices dead and Lord Cerullion standing over their corpses. Kallig interrupted him, declaring how he fled Kaggath before it was officially over. Kallig went to the library in order to find the needed information about the cure. In there Kallig learned that the healing ritual is forbidden. Dark Lords present were mainly Darth Marr, Darth Ravage, Darth Vowrawn and Darth Mortis (others were away or present through holo). Moff Pyron then informed Kallig that the Silencer prototype was now ready for a field test. The woman known as Zash was a Human Female alive during the era of the Great Galactic War between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic. Though Thanaton still had his power with him, Kallig managed to overpower him. Kallig found out that two Dark Lords from the past had experienced similar symptoms. Starkiller's Perfect Clone, 'The Dark Apprentice' As we alluded to before, the line of cloned Starkillers in The Force Unleashed lore didn't actually end with the betrayal of Subject 1138. Kallig goes to Taris, where the Inquisitor learns of a Jedi Padawan, Ashara Zavros, who could summon the ghost at the Jedi Enclave. Kallig accepted, and the Thanaton said that the planet Corellia will be their battleground. And so, Darth Marr presented Kallig with a new title, Darth Nox (dark side) /Imperius (light side) / Occlus (neutral). With these artifacts, Darth Zash will complete a ritual to bestow considerable power on Zash and her apprentice. Zash's former apprentices, now loyal to the Inquisitor, wake Kallig from unconsciousness and warn him/her that Thanaton has left the planet and that they should leave immediately. Chapter 2: Sith Hierarchy War breaks out between the Empire and the Republic, but power struggles rage within the Sith Empire. He contacted Kallig personally, and challenged him into a Kaggath, an ancient Sith duel, where two Sith Lords face off, commanding their own power base and forces. The young Sith prevails through the early trials and is sent (along with the final apprentice candidate) to the Tomb of Naga Sadow and tasked to uncover its secrets. Using Rehanna Rist, the Sith finds Nomar Organa and upon Nomar's death, the apprentice gains access to the vault and retrieves the final artifact of Tulak Hord. FREE IOS APP. The exact nature of these rituals was unclear even for Kallig, but he was certain they were meant to harm the apprentice. Sith Inquisitors operated in the political circle and upper echelons of Sith society, relying on their natural cunning and ambitious drive to succeed. They have a total of 5,460 hitpoints and deal melee damage. A Sith apprentice is an individual (and on occasion, a child), that began serious training under a Sith Lord, usually chosen by the Sith Lord himself or herself, after the potential apprentice displayed an impressive act of loyalty or cruelty. What you are about to read is an excerpt from the official STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™ Encyclopedia. This set consists of: Apprentice's Vest Apprentice's Leggings Apprentice's Gloves Apprentice's boots Apprentice's … The interesting thing I noticed is the num… Sith Inquisitor 2 Default class title. The apprentice takes on the role of Lord Kallig, assuming this title to carry on their ancestor's legacy. Formerly a mercenary and Imperial Sith Inquisitor, Sedriss QL became the reborn Palpatine’s right-hand man and the leader of his new Sith faction, the Dark Side Elite, leading the Dark Empire into battle on numerous worlds during Operation Shadowhand. Unlike the Sith Warrior who relies on his lightsaber and brute strength to get what he wants done, the Sith Inquisitor relies on the force, similar to how Emperor Palpatine did. Even Thanaton could not ignore this success. Star Wars - All Media Types (68) Star Wars Legends - All Media Types (27) Star Wars Prequel Trilogy (5) Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types (5) Star Wars Legends: Knights of the Old Republic (Video Games) (5) Star Wars: Rebels (4) Star Wars Sequel Trilogy (4) Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order (Video Game) (4) Naruto (3) SWTOR: The Sith Inquisitor Storyline: Neutral – CHAPTER TWO: Sith Hierarchy Posted on August 7, 2018 August 7, 2018 by kalibi War breaks out between the Empire and the Republic, as the galaxy plunges into deeper chaos, a new Sith Lord, Xin Tao, establishes a power base and begins to rise to eminence in the Sith hierarchy. Zash removes the veil, revealing her true appearance to be old and decayed. Thankfully, Zash had promoted her apprentice to the rank of Lord so that she would be of higher rank when she possessed her apprentice. Give them what they want or die. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The apprentice then returns to Dromund Kaas, where they're heralded by Darth Thanaton, who warns him to be wary of Zash. About one year after the rise of the Empire, an Inquisitor known as the Sixth Brother was active and searching for Force-sensitive children. Darth Nox/Imperius/Occlus returned to Dromund Kaas, took Thanaton's former chambers and gathered all followers to meditation chamber. Geno Hampton. Zash intended to swap bodies with her apprentice so she may live on. As he was in his death throes, the Dark Council approached him. The Major knew where the artifact was located, but its resting place had become a toxic pit due to the recent war with the Republic.
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