Sith Marauder. I’ve only recently returned to SWTOR and have so far only completed and reached level 75 with a Sith Inquistor, who I played Lightside. I've noticed that people attempting to justify the lightside Warrior often confuse the Warrior with the Inquisitor, using arguments such as: "You build alliances", "You serve the Empire instead of yourself", and my personal favorite, "You plan to reform the Empire from within and therefore save it.". Mmmnope. I would say that the Bounty Hunter is represented as three main aspects: The Honorable Warrior, the Professional or the Thug. SWTOR. Edit. The Sith use the Dark side of the Force and fight against their sworn enemies, the Jedi and the Galactic Republic. =p Alignment affects your end game title after you finish your story line and the faces that make up your "power base" change depending on the choices you made throughout your play through. Continue browsing in r/SWTOR_memes. The Voidhound DS | Wants power and fame. So let's talk long term. They are all part of a greater over-arching storyline that makes up the lore of SWTOR. Vote. Now, with other classes, alignment choices don't make such a huge difference: Whether light or dark, the Agent will still be a cunning spy, the Inquisitor a scheming manipulator, the Trooper a loyal and elite soldier, the Smuggler a wisecracking rogue, the Consular a sincere believer in the Force, the Knight a less philosophical and more offensive Jedi, and the Bounty Hunter, well, someone who likes to hunt bounties. Let's look at the Trooper as Commander Shepard. My warrior is LS just to spite that Baras jerk. Even the LS Inquisitor can't change the whole Empire, but he can do what he can in the meantime (Save Makeb, Stop the Hutt Cartell, Stop Revan, Save Theran, Stop the Emperor, Save Master Surro). The Emperor's Wrath, he couldn't fulfill them (works great to keep him on his faction though, game design wise). The second is basically being a mercenary who does any job for the credits without any moral attachments (embodied by Mako and Gault) while the third is just a scumbag who's happy to find any reason to kill shit, especially if it gets paid (embodied by Skadge). In the Inquisitor's case, their approach leads them to earn the title of Darth Imperius, due to their light-sided actions viewed as pragmatic acts that serve the Empire in the long run. It is just a warning that you are about to leave this website. Ohh.. for guys there is one light side romance and one dark side romance. Then there's the whole "I like how as a lightsided Sith you can twist the Jedi's philosophy against them and make them attack you." Driving at their enemies with strong, crushing blows, the Warrior quickly beats his foes into submission or death. However, spoilers ahead, some of the light side options had funny outcomes. Famous Sith Warriors include Darth Malgus. Fate interceded when her Force-sensitivity manifested itself. Sith Warrior really only has one lame companion, which is the last one. Compare the above screenshots to this lightside playthrough. Indeed, you've struck upon another issue. For us, slavery is abhorrent and sickening, because we have our point of view from our world and our countries. Much like that shitty catcher in the rye book, people read to much into it. Becomes a renegade pirate lord by the end with a powerbase and powerful allies. Believing Kallig dead, Thanaton orders an apprentice to give Kallig an honorable burial before leaving. The Jedi Knight’s story is touted as “KOTOR III”, and is the most similar to the story shown in Knights of the Old Republic. I remember how I was supposed to "question" a fellow student about something... and instead of torturing him, I was kind to him, and it completely blew his mind xD Said I was unlike any Sith he had ever met. Titles can be selected or hidden via the top left icon on the Character Sheet. If you do not wish to follow this link, simply Not because it's impossible to have nice Imperial parents, but because of this: no matter how the Warrior's parents raised him/her up to that point, the moment the Warrior's Force-sensitivity had manifested, everything changes. Why would a Republic-loving Warrior help the Empire get the Isotope? You make an interesting argument, but there's one point in particular I'd like to address: but no matter where he went he was either condemed by the Jedi or republic or betrayed by the empire and the sith. Such as refusing to fight Jedi, and showing that Jedi were more bloodthirsty than a sith. Wealth, power, influence--it's pretty great being a Sith in the Empire, and the Warrior would naturally be invested in its preservation and its victory. I'm really tempted to make a lightside Inq but i'm always a damned goody two-shoes in games, I had to force a Renegade playthrough in ME1 & 2 (And even then I was good to my squadmates). Now, I realize I've pestered a lot of you about it, and that I might not be representing the silent majority as I would hope. But the lightside Warrior does contradict with the uncontrollable things that define the character: loyalty to the Empire, loyalty to the Emperor, and a warlike personality. Every class begins with one, and more are earned as you level up, complete major story missions and achieve various other feats. Star Wars the Old Republic: Sith Warrior storyline with both light and darkside choices (mostly lightside). If you don't mind taking the time, I would very much like to hear how you justified the Consular as 90% dark. Live recordings … During the Cold War a group of light-leaning Sith formed within the ranks of the Sith Empire. This resulted in a duel that ends in Vemrin's death. He had a plan with Jaessa, and he had ideas of who was right and who was wrong but no matter where he went he was either condemed by the Jedi or republic or betrayed by the empire and the sith. Also, I am thoroughly delighted to inform you that making him your minion is not a lightside choice, but a neutral one. Marauder. User account menu. How to start romance: The light-side male Sith Warrior can romance light-side Jaesa during the Sith Warrior story as well as the companion conversations with her. I don't see a "unique" or "different" view point on the Sith - but an outright perversion of the Sith. Give it a try to see what feels right for you. (But god DAMN was the leveling experience a pain as a Juggernaut), I've always had a worse time leveling maras. I wound up hovering somewhere on the borderline of Dark I, but I was always surprised by how many of my decisions wound up being "light side" decisions, since I wasn't playing a nice character at all. A lot of players have gripes about the fact that you can't have multiple endings (IA endings aside), but what I do enjoy is the fact that you can have several different 'characters' depending on how you play. Which only leaves the option of slaughtering the Dark Council in a violent, bloody coup and forcefully imposing your will. I grinded flashpoints for the light V to get the achievement, got Jaesa light because I already had jaesa dark. kill your various masters. |, 12.14.2011 I am an honorable, wrathful, powerful Warrior... and I'm pleased with my journey. The Sith Lord Cendence was hand-chosen by the Dark Councilto hunt down and destroy any Sith not deemed pure. One important thing to know is that light-side Jaesa is not receptive to a true relationship – she will offer to bear your children, but she considers it an honor, and not part of a romance, and there are no [FLIRT] options. |, 12.14.2011 So the only way for the writers to make those fights happen, is by turning all the Jedi into bloodthirsty warmongers. report. However, spoilers ahead, some of the light side options had funny outcomes. , 03:00 AM Sith acolyte Caleb Dume has been summoned to the Sith Academy on Korriban ahead of schedule to face his trials by an overseer with ulterior motives, entering a world where the only code that truly matters is "kill, or be killed." By Vulkk Last updated Jan 16, 2018. share; tweet; reddit; pin; Full Walkthrough with Dark Side choices of the Sith Warrior Epic Class Story. Reply. hide. ... Sith Warrior . Warning: This post contains spoilers for the Sith Warrior storyline in Star Wars: The Old Republic. The LS Hunter is all these things, and the DS Hunter is all these things. The Sith Warrior is entrusted with the most important tasks assigned by the Sith Empire: destroying the Emperor's enemies and enforcing his rule all across the galaxy. Be the first to share what you think! SPOILERS! Base Game. Crackerjack Neutral | Works for credits and the republic is the safest place to make them. The best (in fact my favorite) being the Smuggler, who has 2 (perhaps 3) very distinct personalities that you will create throught your story. Gaining one of the highest awards available to civilians for your service. Info: Jaesa … Read on. It was a bit funny, but ultimately didn't make much sense. Your character's title is visible to other players as part of the nameplate. I don't feel like a wuss at all as a LS Warrior, just a straight-up guy who gets stuff done, but doesn't have to be a homicidal jerk about it. It included a bit of a RP, but I built myself as a pure-blood born Sith that actually was against the ways of the Sith and wanted to be a Jedi. The others are either really memorable character-wise, have a pivotal role in the story, or have some dialogue that ties into other class stories (Trooper and Smuggler stories are specifically referenced in companion dialogue and I think that’s really cool). More importantly, this takes us all the way back to the beginning: "Worst of all, it betrays the whole persona of the Warrior.". Best comparison for this is likely "Honorable Mandalorian" vs "Ruthless Gun-for-hire". Furthermore, let's say you reinstate Tremel as an Overseer in the academy. , 08:46 AM They're all fun classes and all worth playing, although I feel the Trooper has the worst storyline, its still fun to play a Commando. Trooper: Paragon VS Renegade (Best matching Mass Effect's Shepard). As SW you get to turn Jedi to the DS, plot, force choke fools and play Sith politics. It is possible for a player Sith Warrior or Sith Inquisitor to be a Light Sith. Close. One of my main concerns is mixing too many light and dark choices and remaining in the grey since gear has an alignment requirement and supposedly there is no neutral gear. Basically if you're Light/Dark side you speak with a ghost who's the exact opposite aligment of yourself. "But Dementor my son, you just killed your own argument and proven that the lightside Warrior is loyal to the Empire.". Of all of the classes, this is the one I’m most likely to play a second time, because the variance between the Light Side and Dark Side feels pretty significant. One of my main concerns is mixing too many light and dark choices and remaining in the grey since gear has an alignment requirement and supposedly there is no neutral gear. It has more branching dialogue tree's and if you like to RP a character, there are many ways to do that. There's a reason why the Imperial people and the Sith are numb to it, and the Warrior, having spent their life on the good end of the Imperial caste system, would be no different. Born to a family of servants on Alderaan, she … Finlee. My character didn't care about power, glory, or riches. Game over right there. Unless none of them know about each other, in which case you have no way of mobilizing them for the needed coup. What coup? report. Though the lightsaber is the Warrior… 0 comments. The things we don't control--the things that have to be canon--are what determines this beyond any doubt. Romanceable by: Sith Warrior light-side male characters About: Once in a millennium, a man or woman is born who expands the frontiers of what Force users can achieve. Sometimes, the most efficient method isn't wanton destruction. But what are they going to do after returning to base and getting patched up? Together, Master and apprentice discover the threat: a young Padawan with the … On the contrary--I've reached the crux of the issue. The Warrior is the personification of valiance, and fury, and war; a living avatar of victory, and the champion of the Empire--no, its soul.. Each act delivers a punch, complete with unexpected twists and turns. It is a classic story of light vs dark, Jedi vs Sith. hide. I've seen plenty of critique about plotholes or stupid decisions in lightside version of Sith Warrior story, but when I played my SW (mostly LS) and looking retrospectivelly I agree with most of the criticism, but at the same time, I viewed my LS Warrior and his "stupid" choices perfectly in line with character of Lord Praven of the chapter 1 bosses for Jedi Knight. Now why would you do that to your precious Republic? If you ever wanted to be the … Honestly, dark side warrior is my favorite way to play the class. Jaytun: … Even if they don't find anything, his role is valuable to them, and a new Sith will be appointed. Serving the Empire. You want to stick around and see if you can help poor Jaesa and save her from Baras, I guess? This is almost exclusively Baras and Draahg, and that's why I mentioned the similarity with the Inquisitor. Its just entertaining. There is no significant disparity between the different alignment choices and the unique class lines. The Wrath of the Empire and SIS Agent Theron Shan. I got a light-side Inquisitor to level 7 or so, and it was pretty fun. It's a critical step to get revenge on Baras, but revenge is not the way of the light. , 07:46 AM I mean, there are fights that have to happen, yet they still give you the choice to try and be peaceful about it. Protected by heavy armor and his powers of intimidation, the Warrior wades into the thick of the fight and unleashes pure hatred and fury to eliminate all who would stand against him. But imagine being born and raised not only in a country where slavery is the norm, but a whole planet. Please upgrade your browser for the best possible experience. Titles are rewards that are obtainable by players through most game activities.1 The in-game Codex "Achievement: Titles" entry shows all unlocked titles and how each title was earned. best. As it has been established previously victory by any means is not a desirable outcome for the sith. A Sith Warrior's skills with a lightsaber are unrivaled. making him your minion is not a lightside choice, but a neutral one. That said I have 2 other full dark wraths, and I enjoyed more the dark wrath than the light/grey wrath. Depending on how far to one side or the other you are, the outcome of Act 1 can … Except in a few instances. And I wonder if you can start dark, bring on Jaesa as a darkside companion, then switch to light for yourself. Im in a hardcore RP guild on kath hound server, and i play a light side sith sorcerer. 0 comments. r/SWTOR_memes. Vette and the Sith Warrior kiss. Oct 5. You see, it's the Inquisitor who has a reason to dislike the Empire - he/she was a slave. SWTOR Class Storyline Review: Sith Warrior – Prologue. To go to this page, click the link below. I've seen on videos that have cutscenes of this quest and there's a chat option that says "I embrace (insert opposite current alignment)". Light Side Sith Warrior; Star Wars: The Old Republic - Shadow of Revan; Star Wars: The Old Republic - Knights of the Fallen Empire ; Sith Warrior Outlander; Summary. A Sith Warrior's skills with a lightsaber are unrivaled. This is in contrast to the Knight, whom I can understand as darkside, because he/she is more offensive-oriented to begin with, and could reasonably grow frustrated with feeling like the only competent person in the Republic (Kiwiks and Orgus fail their respective missions, Tol Braga's plan was foolish and backfired horribly, and don't even get me started on Var-Suthra's abandonment of several fully-functional superweapons). SWTOR Sith Warrior Story Full Walkthrough (Dark Side) This Sith Warrior Storyline was my 1st in SWTOR as Juggernaut & 3rd as Warrior. There are many vanity titles available to be earned in Star Wars: The Old Republic. But even so, I'd like to make the attempt. They use base emotions such as fear, anger, and hatred to fuel their focus and determination for achieving their goals, and they do it with brutal efficiency. Then there's playing a mix, where you still end up lightside but have lots of dark choices. I tried to... he just seemed to be a brat. I saved and spared a lot of Imperials and Sith. For the SW killing Darth Baras proved your role as wrath. This is the kind of character I'm working on fleshing out. I think it will be pretty entertaining to be a good bad-guy.
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swtor sith warrior storyline lightside 2021