French explorer who explored the St. Lawrence river and laid claim to the region for France (1491-1557), French explorer in Nova Scotia who established a settlement on the site of modern Quebec (1567-1635), Italian explorer who led the English expedition in 1497 that discovered the mainland of North America and explored the coast from Nova Scotia to Newfoundland (ca. Last ruling Inca emperor of Peru. Some images used in this set are licensed under the Creative Commons through to see the original works with their full license. and the United States. Marked the last major effort by the Native Americans of southern New England to drive out the English settlers. Test. A series of violent uprisings during the early reign of Louis XIV triggered by growing royal control and increased taxation. one of the two beachland colonies established by the Europeans in the 16th century, functioned as a major coastal for travelers. Play this game to review World History. 1680- revolted in the southwest when spaniards tried to suppress their religious rituals. Astrolabe. Portuguese navigator who led the Spanish expedition of 1519-1522 that was the first to sail around the world. Runaway slaves in the Caribbean who established their own communities to resist slavery and colonial authorities. Quiz your students on APWH Unit 4 Transoceanic Interconnections using our fun classroom quiz game Quizalize and personalize your teaching. With tensions spilling over following the collapse of trade partnerships and aggressive expansion of colonist territories, Pokunoket chief Metacom — a.k.a. Spanish word for an estate. UNIT 4: Trans-Oceanic Interconnections. Lowest tier of social class, with no rights whatsoever. the retaking of land in Iberia by Spain and Portugal in a religious crusade to expand. Unit 4 is all about transoceanic trade and how it effected the world. Eager to exploit the natural resources of newly "discovered" territories, European empires set up colonies in the Americas, facilitating a global trade propped up by slavery. APWHM Unit 4 Transoceanic Interconnections. An Italian navigator who was funded by the Spanish Government to find a passage to the Far East. He is given credit for discovering the "New World," even though at his death he believed he had made it to India. Was a labor system instituted by the Spanish crown in the American colonies. ruled Spain at the height of its power in the 15th century, an economic system based on private ownership of property and business that provide goods to be bough and sold in a free manner, the responsibility of government to promote the states economy to improve the revenues and limit imports to prevent profits from going to outsiders (allows industry to develop their own business). Sea people built their power by controlling water routes, developing technology to cross the seas, and gaining wealth from trade and land claims. It was a powerful kingdom that long resisted Portuguese colonization attempts. Spanish-born, came to Latin America; ruled, highest social class. Comments (-1) T5 Maritime Empires Expand Notes. The war was inconclusive and the U.S. went back to paying the tribute. Test. group in center of India who rise up against the Mughul empire, British step in to help Mughal regain order but Britain takes over by seeping in to protect economic interests, middle-level status between Europeans and pure minorities (made up of mezitos and mulattoes), Jews were expelled from Spain and Portugal but accepted in the Ottoman Empire, Many groups experienced preferiential treatment and continued to experience this such as the Ottoman Timars, Russian boyars, European nobles, land granted by the Sultain in exchange for military service often to groups like the Janissaries from conquered lands. He believed he could reach east Asia by sailing West. They then became the owner of these estate call hacendados. This is basically a compilation of every notecard term in the unit. ... 4.6 Internal and External Challenges to State Power 4.7 Changing Social Hierarchies. 4.1 Technological Innovations from 1450-1750 4.2 Exploration: Causes and Events. killed colonists and priests and got Spanish out of modern-day New Mexico for 12 years, a french rebellion that was caused by Mazarin's attempt to increase royal revenue and expand state bureaucracy, caused Louis XIV to distrust the state and turn to absolutism. a treaty making Spain and Portugal land claim boundary. Unit 4: Transoceanic Interconnections. Gravity. Write. Period: 2 – 1450 - 1750. Keep your camera on, use chat if needed The second portion is the essay worth 50% and is on Canvas. Courts appointed by the king who reviewed the administration of viceroys serving Spanish colonies in America. the Terrible, beat the Mongols, Tartars, and the Poles, forced nobles into service, the first ruler to take the title tsar. Match. Learn. Human adaptation and innovation have resulted in increased efficiency, comfort, and security, and technological advances have shaped human development and interactions with both intended and unintended consequences. Thematic Learning Objectives: All of Units 3/4. It looks like your browser needs an update. King Philip — led a bloody uprising of Wampanoag, Nipmuck, Pocumtuck and Narragansett tribes. Unit 4: Transoceanic Interconnections. This was a mistake, as this allowed everyone to conquer him. Terms in this set (76) Lateen Sail. Ottoman sultan called the "Conqueror"; responsible for the conquest of Constantinople in 1453; destroyed what remained of Byzantine Empire. LO: Explain how cross-cultural interactions resulted in the diffusion of technology and facilitated changes in patterns of trade and travel from 1450 to 1750. (1394-1460) Prince of Portugal who established an observatory and school of navigation at Sagres and directed voyages that spurred the growth of Portugal's colonial empire. Spread by Europeans in the Columbian Exchange to native peoples, crops, such as tobacco, sugar, and cotton, raised in large quantities in order to be sold for profit. Form of imperial dominance based on control of trade rather than on control of subject peoples. It starts with the technological inventions that were necessary to exploration by sea and continues with what happened during and after exploration. The first island in the Caribbean settled by Spaniards; settlement founded by Columbus on second voyage to New World; the Spanish base of operations for further discoveries in New World. unified Japan after infighting and the warring time. A triangle trading route where goods went to the West Indies; sugar and molasses were picked up in the West Indies and taken to West Africa; these were traded for slaves, which were then sold in the West Indies. Key Concepts: Terms in this set (63) Caravel. The exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technologies between the Americas and the rest of the world following Columbus's voyages. Unit 4 Sec 4.1. Consequently, they developed a strategy known as the _________________. STUDY. Oh no! Chloe Gohlke Unit 4: Transoceanic Interconnections 4.1 Technological Innovations from 1450 to 1750 Key Concept Questions From the Video KC - 4.1.II Knowledge, scientific learning, and technology from the Classical, Islamic, and Asian worlds bread, facilitating European technological developments and innovation. Gravity. Topic 4.1 Technological Innovations from 1450 to 1750. Unit 4: Transoceanic Interconnections Continuing your study of the period c. 1450–c. West African kingdom that became strong through its rulers' exploitation of the slave trade. Topic #: Required Pre-Reading: Our Topic: All of Units 3/4. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The Portuguese learned that the most efficient maritime route between two points is not always a strait line. STUDY. Transoceanic Interconnections Technological innovations faciliated transoceanic trade and global exploration. Home; Courses; High Schools; Byron Nelson High School led restrictive or isolated trade policies during age of exploration, was the home of the emperor and his family, which expanded service people to 20,000; as the government returned to Beijing from Manjing, Large Portuguese ship used for ocean travel which was a mode of trade during the Columbian Exchange. Spanish colonies controlled a monopoly on the global flow of silver, Peasants and artisans continued to intensify in regions and consumer goods increased. Unit 4: Transoceanic Interconnections; Unit 5: Revolutions; Study Guide KEY. Ruled most of India and Pakistan in the 16th and 17th centuries. these companies organized commercial ventures on a large scale by allowing investors to buy and sell shares. Monarchies that emerged that differed from their medieval predecessors in having greater centralization of power, more regional boundaries, and stronger representative institutions. 4.1 TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS FROM 1450 TO 1750. When you finish multiple choice go directly to Canvas to start your essay. Flashcards: Turn in next class: Independent Study Material: Day 42. Hello, welcome to the ultimate study guide for the AP World History exam. 6. Spell. pueblos- own land, stopped forced indian labor, and tolerated religious rituals. Created by. Jravencraft0405. African slave religion primarily in Haiti that developed from the combination of Christianity and old African traditions. Homework: STUDY. a Dutch type of sailing vessel originally designed as a dedicated cargo vessel. Do Now ... Unit 4: Transoceanic Interconnections from 1450 to 1750. You essay is timed at 45 minutes with 2 extra minutes for uploading. They often represent the gradual removal of land from peasant ownership and a type of feudalistic order where the owners of Haciendas would have agreements of loyalty to the capital but would retain control over the actual land. Unit 4- Transoceanic Interconnections. In 1497-1498 he led the first naval expedition from Europe to sail to India, opening an important commercial sea route. Hello, welcome to the ultimate study guide for the AP World History exam. Write. This Islamic-run superpower ruled large areas of the Middle East, Eastern Europe and North Africa for more than 600 years. People of mixed Native American and African descent. Unit 4: Transoceanic Interconnections, c. 1450 to c. 1750. A three way system of trade during 1600-1800s Africa sent slaves to America, America sent Raw Materials to Europe, and Europe sent Guns and Rum to Africa, the route in between the western ports of Africa to the Caribbean and southern U.S. that carried the slave trade. Unit 4: Transoceanic Interconnections 4.1 Technological Innovations from 1450 to 1750 Watch: Key Concept Video Questions KC - 4.1.II Knowledge, scientific learning, and technology from the Classical, Islamic, and Asian worlds bread, facilitating European technological developments and innovation. Have fun, and good luck. A system of inheritance in which the eldest son in a family received all of his father's land. The first sighting of land was on October 12, 1492, and three other journies until the time of his death in 1503. Historical Developments Knowledge, scientific learning, and technology from the Classical, Islamic, and Asian … Unit 4: Transoceanic Interconnections Study Guide c. 1450 - 1750 Topic 4.1 Technological Innovations from 1450 - 1750 Learning Objective Explain how cross- cultural interactions resulted in the diffusion of technology and facilitated changes in patterns of trade and travel from 1450 to 1750.
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unit 4: transoceanic interconnections test 2021