Further evidence of the impossibility of the clay objects’ antiquity is that they dissolve in water and thus could not have survived in Michigan ground. There is, however, a more compelling scripture that, for me, resolves the question. 7. He sold Indian “relics” (some of them authentic), and was assisted by a Mr. Soper. I must admit, however, that of all the North American proponents, Phyllis Carol Oliver, Lost Lands of the Book of Mormon, 2000, made some cogent and constructive arguments which caused me to reconsider and really give another in-depth study of the United States as the land where most of the events of the Book of Mormon might have taken place. The scientific studies have been done. 5. 18. He is the one telling the scientific community to prove them false, which it already has. The west sea as all of the Great Lakes. One must not pick and choose some locations or facts to the exclusions of others. Wayne and his wife Kristine currently live in Menomonie Wisconsin, which is in the Oakdale, Minnesota Stake. 2. On page 46, This Land, regarding the scientific community’s charge of fraud in the early days of the Michigan Relics, May states the following: So unrelenting was the official campaign of academic hysteria that anyone even remotely associated with the Michigan artifacts distanced themselves from the bitter controversy. It was the same promised land that the Lord guided the Nephites,”…we did arrive at the promised land…and we did call it the promised land” (1 Nepi 18:23). Hello Wayne Allen, Unfortunately, it seem you cannot upload login credentials with RDL files, you have to configure it in SSRS web portal. The program is approved by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) and taught by skilled, experienced faculty. …I beheld the Spirit of God, that it wrought upon other Gentiles, and they went forth out of captivity, upon the many waters. If MAT 1050 or above is needed to meet your specific degree requirements, you can meet QE through obtaining a C or above in at least one of your area's required math course sequences or by obtaining a course placement at t… Many of the “relics” clearly demonstrate the markings of commercially cut and milled slate. I will summarize a few evidences against the Michigan plates and artifacts however, first it is instructive to relate their origin as described by Fred Raydholm at page 27 of Gardner’s article: The “Michigan Tablets” tale begins around 1885, in Big Rapids, where James O. Scotford, one-time sleight-of-hand performer turned sign-painter, was displaying an almost clairvoyant ability to discover Indian artifacts in prehistoric mounds. The testimony of witnesses to the forgeries and the absence of any artifacts since the time of the forgers, coupled with the absence of artifacts from known sites, all tell us that a “PROPER SCIENTIFIC FRAME OF MIND” REQUIRES THAT WE DECLARE THEM FORGERIES AND LOOK FOR OUR SUPPORT OF THE BOOK OF MORMON IN FIRMER GROUND, GEOGRAPHICALLY, CULTURALLY, AND ARCHAEOLOGICALLY. Applicants must complete the equivalent of a U.S. four-year degree, including all state and external/internal examinations required for the degree. The Land of Nephi can only be south of the Narrow Strip of Wilderness. Find a full list of available apps at xfinity.com/support/articles/online-tv-through-partner-sites. He should follow Edwin Goble’s, example and recant and accept the truth. And the west sea must be west of Zarahemla; west of the narrow strip of mountainous wilderness; and west of the land of Nephi. May is an advocate of artifacts that are questionable. (book), Map of the Archaeological Cultures of Ohio. The Adena culture refers to what were probably a number of related Native American societies sharing a burial complex and ceremonial system. 3. Therefore, Lehi’s landing must have been on the west coast of Mesoamerica. Wayne Bank has a secure data warehouse to store all Internet Banking access credentials in an encrypted format. The scriptures talking about going to or arriving at a specific area use the term “the promised land”: 1. Columbus was led by the Lord to the promised land in Mesoamerica. The contents of all BMAF publications are the sole responsibility of the individual authors and therefore do not necessarily represent the views of BMAF or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Some of the concentrations may be combined. 9. The concept of the Adena/Hopewell cultures being the Jaredite/Nephite cultures is fatally flawed. I will show that it does. The Adena/Hopewell cultures cannot be the Nephite/Jaredite cultures. It had to have been south of the narrow strip of mountainous wilderness because the land of Lehi was south and the land of Mulek was north of said wilderness (Helaman 6:8-12). Fraud is defined as an intentional untruth or dishonest scheme used to take deliberate advantage of another. For example, after attending a fireside given by Wayne May in Chandler, Arizona, last spring, I asked May how he explained away the fact that the Book of Mormon shows the river Sidon flowing northward and his Sidon, the Mississippi, flowing south. (Joseph Smith, History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, vol. Real evidence will come when they are put through tests to determine their authenticity. Landing place of Lehi as the area around the mouth of the Mississippi. Therefore, the last battle of the Jaredites had to have taken place about 250 to 221 BC. 6. The head of river Sidon must be high up in the narrow strip of mountainous wilderness and near Manti (Alma 22:27). Soper dropped out of sight until 1907, when he re-appeared in Detroit, living near Scotford. 2. He did not visit the U.S. United States must be eliminated as the location of the lands of the Book of Mormon because: 1. May 2020 Stoddard’s at their Best! The Mississippi river cannot be Sidon because the Book of Mormon shows the river Sidon flowed northward and the Mississippi flows southward (Alma 2:.15, 34). Certainly not over a hundred years in that area. I had a gut feeling that they were from the beginning, but I ignored it, because I wanted my book published so bad…I am personally very sorry I ever had anything to do with those artifacts.”. Then he invited the guest of honor to uncover the prize. Then imagine the Nephites traveling and fighting approximately 15 miles from the crossing of the river Sidon to Gideon where they stayed the night. Elimination of all theories that do not meet all of the above criteria. To claim that the Nephites/Lamanites occupied the same land at the same time frame or any part thereof as the Jaredites occupied before their self destruction is an untruth. 2.In Data source tab, configure the credentials: 3. The land of promise in North America is not the promised land where Lehi and Columbus landed in Mesoamerica. 12….King (Ammoron) had departed out of the land of Zarahemla [from the east sea area]and had made known unto the Queen [in the chief city of Nephi (Alma 47:20] concerning the death of his brother, and had gathered together a large number of men, and had marched forth against the Nephites on the borders by the west sea. About 80 years later Ammon and 15 rescuers could see the cities of Shilom and Nephi from the hill north of Shilom (Mosiah 7:6-7, and 21). Some three-year general degrees (from Canada, India, Pakistan, France, Lebanon, etc.) River Sidon must have its headwaters between the east sea and the west sea near Manti on the northern side of the narrow strip of mountainous wilderness and it must flow northerly past and on the east side of Zarahemla. 4. A very limited number of authorized staff has access to the data storage warehouse. 15….Moroni,--who had established armies to protect the south (Manti area) and west borders of the land (west seacoast area). It does seem compelling. ... Sean S Wayne may only conduct securities business with residents of states in which they are properly registered. Please contact the Division of Educator Licensure & Quality with any questions on credentials or permissions. I will show from the Book of Mormon that he is wrong on all counts. Nephi cannot be west of the Mississippi River. “...And they were driven....towards the promised land” (I Nephi 18:8). It can go one way or the other, especially if she had something against him. Wayne State University student residents may use their Xfinity login credentials to access select TV Everywhere apps like HBO Go, ESPN and more. His continuing to use them as if authentic, all the while claiming he does not take sides, is to me, fraudulent. Only real tests and real evidence can authenticate them or prove them as fraudulent. He is the one benefitting from the use and sale of these artifacts and from tours. Eventually, any discussion of the artifacts’ possible genuineness was no longer considered. As part of his conclusions on the artifacts, Stamps provides the following information about the discovery of these artifacts (page 28): The finds appeared only when Scotford or Soper were on the scene. Also the Jaredite land must have been very far northward from Zarahemla. Wayne May. Mayors, postmasters, ministers of all faiths were taken in, and their credibility transferred to the bogus affidavits. Francis Kelsey, 1892 declared: “There is no reason why honest people should be deceived any longer as to the true character of these forgeries, or be misled by the fanciful interpretations of misguided enthusiasts.”. The “Michigan Plates” and Relics have no bearing on the Book of Mormon because they are untruths as will be shown in this next section. There is no narrow strip of mountainous wilderness that connects the Pacific Ocean with an east sea. The Book of Mormon requires that the Jaredite/Nephite people co-existed in different lands without knowledge of each other’s existence for a period of at least 250 years. Even the scriptures describing the Jaredites’ coming to the promised land use the term “the promised land” in describing their destination: 5. 30..And it bordered upon the land which they called Desolation, it being so far northward that it came into the land which had been peopled and been destroyed, of whose bones we have spoken, which was discovered by the people of Zarahemla, it being the place of their first landing. 14....I beheld many multitudes of the Gentiles upon the land of promise...”. Alma 50:11…He [Moroni], cut off all the strongholds of the Lamanites in the east wilderness, yea, and also on the west, fortifying the line between the Nephites and the Lamanites between the land of Zarahemla and the land of Nephi, from the west sea, running by the head of the river Sidon—the Nephites possessing all the land northward. These people then converted the materials into. It was about 200 BC when King Mosiah  translated the stone, which informed him for the first time, about the Jaredite people, about Coriantumr and the last great battle, and about Coriantumr living in or near Zarahemla for 9 moons (Omni 16:20-21). At least we are working toward the end of FINDING OUT, and presenting the case as it should be presented, objectively, and not dogmatically declaring something to be so without any ground to stand on. At page 19 of his book May states: The true critical evidence on the Michigan tablets has yet to come. There is no evidence of the use of a written language, let alone two written languages, in all of South America during said time period. As Stamps notes, “Because modern tools leave modern marks, it is logical, with these additional examples, to agree with Kelsey and Spooner that the clay artifacts having the “IH/” symbol on one side and historic period woodprints on the other date to the historic period. Alma 2:24…we followed the camp of the Amlicites, and to our great astonishment, in the land of Minon above [south of] the land of Zarahemla, in the course of the land of Nephi, we saw a numerous host of the Lamanites and behold, the Amlicites have joined them; [River Sidon was down from Minon and Nephi, therefore, it had to have flowed northward.]. He further told me that the Saint Louis area and northward, was Zarahemla. At that time, he was selling rare Indian artifacts to collectors in Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois and Canada. She said “Hammering went on day and night.” She went to the boys’ room to borrow something and “they warned me out. The River Sidon cannot flow southerly from the narrow strip of mountainous wilderness. Morris Jastrow also published with The Nation. 2. Alma 2:27…as they were crossing the river Sidon, the Lamanites and the Amlicites, being as numerous almost, as it were, as the sands of the sea, came upon them to destroy them. They landed westerly from the narrow strip of mountainous wilderness and west of the river Sidon (Alma 22:28). Additionally, the piece I studied was too flat to have been built up by the cold-hammer, folding, laminating process that we see in Native American artifacts. East sea as the Atlantic Ocean, Washington, New Jersey area. I don’t believe they are real so I am retracting everything I wrote about those artifacts. There is no credible evidence of any written language in North America during the Book of Mormon time period. I now believe that the Narrow Neck of Land and the Land of Zarahemla in Mesoamerica…. I can say with complete certainty on my part that they are frauds. Every artifact examined bore marks of modern manufacture…why May would continue to believe that some artifacts might be authentic when every expert he has consulted calls them forgeries and every piece that has undergone testing is clearly a forgery... Perhaps even more telling is the story of the artifacts that May does not relate. I, Nephi, beheld that the gentiles that had gone out of captivity were delivered by the power of God out of the hands of all other nations. Service in the Church includes four Branch Presidencies, three Elder Quorum Presidencies, Seminary … Stamps also examined some of the copper pieces, yielding the same microscopical conclusion as the report to Talmage. Columbus was guided by the Lord to the promised land, I Nephi 13:12. The River Sidon must run northerly from the middle of the narrow strip of mountainous wilderness. Most of the items traded were exotic materials and were received by people living in the major trading and manufacturing areas. May has not offered competent scientific rebuttal but merely his personal speculations, conclusions, and unverified testimonials.
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