John is referring to a literal count of 153 fish – the disciples caught a lot of large fish! 153 fish / 8 people including Jesus = more than 19 fish per person. That is to say, 17 + 16 + 15 + 14 +13 + 12 + 10 + … + 1 = 153. We have to have the proper testimony to others that we are Biblically and theologically credible, we must know what the Scriptures say, and above all pray for wisdom and discernment in all that we do. Pythogoras was associated with catches of fish, and he had calculated that 153 is the denominator of the closest known fraction to the square root of 3 (265/153), and this was also the ratio of a fish shape drawn between two overlapping circles which are centred on each other’s circumference. According to an elderly Messianic Jewish tour guide we had in Israel, 153 means “I am God” in Hebrew! ... all add up to 153. Another argument suggests that the Hebrew gematria for “Sons of God,” which is Beni Ha Elohim, equals 153: B – 2, N – 50, Y – 10, H – 5, ) – 1, L – 30, H – 5, Y – 10, M – 40 = 153. Answering that question requires discipline, study, and the work of the Holy Spirit... not gematria. I have given your brother a thousand pieces of silver...". meaning. Thus, gematria became a method of explaining the Hebrew Scriptures by means of the cryptographic significance of the words. The numerical relationship the scribes had with the written text resulted in a whole field of mathematical exegesis, and scribes, or even authors, may have considered triangular numbers as especially significant. Efforts to find some mysterious meaning in this number are worthy of scorn. 153 Fish: Explaining some Difficult New Testament Passages: The 153 fish of John 21:11 . Here we find כְּשֵׁשׁ־מֵא֨וֹת אֶ֧לֶף [shesh meot elef], literally six hundred thousand. The numerical value for the word eglaim (עגלים) in the name “Eneglaim (עין עגלים)” adds up to 153. And our Rabbis explained in Tractate Sukkah (52b) who they are.” Rashi on Zechariah 2, In the Gospels, the question is asked, “Isn’t this the carpenter, the son of Miriam, and brother of Yaakov, Yosi, Yehudah, and Shimon? According to Ezekiel’s prophecy, the river will flow into the Dead Sea, turning the salt water fresh: And it will come about that fishermen will stand beside it; from Engedi to Eneglaim there will be a place for the spreading of nets. Let's turn to the Bible and see... Genesis 5:18- "Jared lived one hundred and sixty-two years..." If the gematria crowd is correct, we should find קסב [kof, samech, bet = 162] but instead we find שְׁתַּ֧יִם וְשִׁשִּׁ֛ים שָׁנָ֖ה וּמְאַ֣ת [literally two and sixty years and one hundred]. tldr = "no" and "no". The Hebrew words that correspond to number 153 in “153 fishes” are האלהים בני benei haElohim: “the sons of Elohim”. Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken.. John 21.11 It is only mentioned in the Gospel of John. Donate, Messianic Jewish Resources, Study Programs, and Learning. What is the significance of the number 17? Well... no, it doesn't [except in later Hebrew texts]. Such a cryptographic significance could be found in our case of the 153 fishes. Thousand here is אֶ֤לֶף [elef]. His students have been fishing all night and have caught nothing. Archimedes, in his Measurement of a Circle, referred to this ratio (153/265), as constituting the "measure of the fish", this ratio being an imperfect representation of 1/ √ 3.. As a triangular number, 153 is the sum of the first 17 integers, and is also the sum of the first five positive … In the example of John 21:11 the interpretation is easy. It's not humans assigning numbers to the letters of a word which calculate into some hidden value which completely means something else. Let us see what we can obtain from the gematria of the 153 fishes. His conclusion to the article is this: These are some of the very same teachings that are circulating in our midst today. A friend recently contacted me and asked about some information he had seen on Facebook: For centuries, people have wondered why the Bible records that 153 fish were caught by the disciples after Jesus told them to throw their nets on the opposite side of the boat in John 21:4-12. What is the evidence of this glory? Designed and developed by VBVMI in partnership with Giles-Parscale. But we are really diverging.) It was full of large fish, 153, but even with so many the net was not torn (John 21:11). The story takes place just after Jesus resurrection from the dead. The number 153 is the numerical total for the Hebrew words "Ani Elohim"--I AM G-D. The phrase is said to exist 7 times, with one version existing slightly different. Since these were "large fish" (John 21:11), Jesus and His disciples didn't eat all of them. Oh, by the way... the last letter of ani elohim is not a מ [mem], it is ם [mem-sophit - the form of a letter used when ending a word]. Aren’t his sisters here with us?” They were offended at him.” Mark 6:3 The Gospel of Matthew adds … Characteristic number of the mission of the Christ in the New Testament. Please prayerfully consider joining in the harvest with us with your end-of-the-year donation. References: Genesis 7:13- "... and the three wives of his sons with them..." The "three" in this case is שְׁלֹ֧שֶׁת [sheloshet] which is clearly not a ג [gimmel] (3 in gematria). Unravel his difficult words and parables; study Jewish parallels to his teachings; and ultimately know Jesus better. 153 as the measure of "the Fish in Archimedes Archimedes (c 287-212 B.C.E. That means that if you add all the numbers decreasing from 17, you get 153. Unlike numbers like 7 (e.g., Genesis 1, the 7 days of creation) or 12 (e.g., the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 apostles), the number 153 has no transparent significance. The Bible states the disciples marveled at the fact that their net held together even though it contained so many large fish. Augustine noted that the number 153 is a triangular number, the triangle of 17. (In fact, 153 is the seventeenth triangular number in the series of triangular numbers.) John records how many fish were caught in the miracle that the risen Christ did when he appeared to his disciples by the Sea of Tiberius. “four craftsmen: Carpenters who know how to saw the horns. It could be that the 153 fish were a hidden clue, revealing that 153 nations would exist at the end of the age. A is 1 b is 2 etc. The numerical value for the word gedi (גדי) in the name “Engedi (עין גדי)” adds up to 17. 153 is the triangular of 17. Total– 153. Here's another sunrise scene in which Christ presents a prophetic scenario as to when he will return. Learn more and get started! The Prophecy of the 153 Fish Simon Peter climbed aboard and dragged the net ashore. Every week Club members encounter Yeshua of Nazareth in his Jewish context. When Jesus caused the disciples to catch exactly 153 fish, He was declaring to them that not only was He the Son of G-d, but that He was G-d Himself. Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three (153): and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken. The question isn't "what patterns can we find in the Bible that tickles our brains?" Not only did they figure out who this stranger really was, but they learned that if they would follow his directions that everything would work out. Where is the connection elsewhere in scripture? (Ezekiel 47:10). Now some may object and say "Oh sure, there are words for single digits but what about larger numbers?" St. Augustine rightly observed its significance. (It is also one of the Armstrong numbers. They counted the words and letters of a scroll to verify the consistency of new copies. FFOZ Friends are at the forefront of this restoration, advancing and sustaining the mission to restore truth through Messianic Jewish teaching for Christians and Jews. Here is my response: The answer comes in two points. H ow would 153 big fishes look like if drawn randomly in a small rectangle? It definitely doesn't work in reverse where you are given a number and find some words that match up with it via gematria. The remarkable catch of 153 fish is the eighth sign in John's gospel, and it corresponds to—and in many ways answers—the first sign, Jesus' turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana. Jewish scribes responsible for copying sacred texts routinely searched for numerical patterns in the scrolls they copied. 4. 153 Fish: Gematria The number 153, which appears in the New Testament, is intriguing. Exodus 12:37- "Now the sons of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Sucoth, about six hundred thousand men on foot, aside from children." One scholar perceived a coded numeric-relationship between the numbers 17 and 153 and the Dead Sea locations mentioned in Ezekiel 47:10 where fishermen will cast nets during the Messianic Age. ), in his treatise On the Measurement of the Cycle, uses the whole number ratio 153:265 to accurately approximate the irrational ratio square root of 3, "the measure of the fish" or the vesica piscis. b) The Hebrew words, Eglaim (the spring of Eglaim) and Gedi (the spring of Gedi), in this verse, have the numerical values, 153 and 17 respectively (according to gematria), while 153 is a triangular number (17 X 3). The meaning of the number 153 centers around the New Testament event sometimes referred to as the miraculous draughtor catch of fishes (John 21:1 - 11). Because I didn’t take the time to double-click on the numerological significance of the number 153 in my message, I did promise a blog post to attempt to explain the possibilities. John is referring to a literal count of 153 fish – the disciples caught a lot of large fish! Help Each Hebrew letter represents a number. Humans are great at pattern matching and we find patterns in almost everything. [El anoki... G-d I am- Hosea 11:9]. The 153 fish testify of this great doctrine that we call the … Some are particularly significant. Terms and Conditions, ©2021. The idea is that something is “hidden” or “hinted” at. Those books bear witness to all that is revealed out of them, so we must … This year Torah Clubs are studying the Gospels from a Messianic Jewish perspective. One scholar perceived a coded numeric-relationship between the numbers 17 and 153 and the Dead Sea locations mentioned in Ezekiel 47:10 where fishermen will cast nets during the Messianic Age. ם = 40. [GR] > The Number 153 - I am the Lord Thy God: For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee.. Isaiah 43.3. That is the connection we must make, for the writings of the 1st century all wrote of things revealed OUT OF the scriptures-Genesis to Malachi. Tell your Muslim friends who say that Jesus never claimed to be G-d that yes, He most certainly did! A triangular number is the sum of dots in an equilateral triangle formed from and filled by equally spaced dots. Additionally, the catching of 153 fish happened only after Christ became involved in the work. Tell your Muslim friends who say that Jesus never claimed to be G-d that yes, He most certainly did! All of the examples of numbers in the Hebrew text that I have seen are actually spelled out labels (like one, two, three) rather than numerals (like 1, 2, 3). Fresh water flows out from the Judean desert (Midbar Yehudah) into the Dead Sea near Ein Gedi. Jerome believed that the miraculous represented the apostles bringing all nations into the kingdom. Become a Friend and join the mission! The 153 fish. The number 153 is the numerical total for the Hebrew words "Ani Elohim "--I AM G-D. The detail I am referring to is his mentioning that there were 153 fish. Discover the historical and cultural backdrops of the gospels and be amazed as the teachings of Yeshua snap into focus and clarity. The "153 large fish in John 21:11" is not about a test or the open market. What does that number teach us. “Simon Peter went up and drew the net to land, full of large fish, a hundred and fifty-three; and although there were so many, the net was not torn” (John 21:11).What do the 153 fish signify? For example, in the Hebrew, aleph equals 1, beth equals 2, gimel equals 3, and, in the Greek, alpha. The guys at another website found that BOTH benei elohim [sons of G-d] and the Greek word for fishes calculate out to 153! (John 21:11) Additionally, the catching of such a large amount of fish happened only after Christ became involved. The number 153 is associated with the geometric shape known as the Vesica Piscis or Mandorla. Find or start a Club today! The question is "what is the message sent by the Message Giver?" By understanding the steps leading up to this miracle of fishes we can gain a broader perspective o… John 21 (where the 153 fishes are found) isn't even in parashah Acharei Mot or Kedoshim according to or so the whole thing seems made up! The 153 fishes gathered in the net 153 Fish: Explaining some Difficult New Testament Passages. The numbers attached to the letters in a Hebrew word could be added together to give a numerical total. Privacy Policy Promotional Images & Ministry Logos There were 153 (John 21:11). The idea is that something is “hidden” or “hinted” at. What is the connection between altars and salvation. So Simon Peter went aboard and hauled the net ashore, full of large fish, a hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken. Scholars have long suspected a hidden numerical significance (Gematria). “The Parable of the 153 Fish” by Pastor Ariel Three very key points for you to understand before we begin today: 1-We are in NO WAY teaching BRITISH ISRAELISM And in NO WAY do we believe in: 2—REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY 3--The "TORAH" is the Jewish way of saying the "Word of God" and was commonly used and read at the time of Jesus.It is often called the … when the phrase I am god is calculated it equals 153. The number was a sign. If you have followed and the articles on the 153 fish over the last year….Pastor Biltz now shows us the answer…amazing. ... Hebrew Gematria One of the laws of hermeneutics (interpreting the Scripture) among Jewish rabbis is called gematria. ... Hebrew Gematria One of the laws of hermeneutics (interpreting the Scripture) among Jewish rabbis is called gematria. The numerical value for the word gedi (גדי) in the name “Engedi (עין גדי)” adds up to 17. Some people believe that 153 fish refers to the salvation of the lost since a net was cast, but this cannot be the . When Jesus caused the disciples to catch exactly 153 fish, He was declaring to them that not only was He the Son of G-d, but that He was God Himself. St. Augustine rightly observed its significance. Then who ate most of the fish? The number 153 has some unique arithmetic properties. The text came with an accompanying graphic showing the calculation of ani elohim totaling 153 similar to this: His question was simple: was this true or not? The Prophecy of the 153 Fish Simon Peter climbed aboard and dragged the net ashore. In Hebrew, every letter has a number attached to it. St. John has a special love for the number 17. What is the significance of the number 17? Whatever cryptic meaning the number might have communicated to John and his readers has been long lost and forgotten, but that does not stop teachers and interpreters from speculating. Jesus has been brought into his glory. It is a fact that the gematria of the Hebrew for "HaPesach" is 153. That concept only exists in gematria where the "hidden" meanings of words are calculated by means of assigning a value to each letter of a word. The Messiah is on the shore of the lake and instructs His taught ones to cast their net on the other side of the boat. Explore the weekly Torah portions, commentaries, and listen to Scripture readings, and get the free Torah reading schedule. י = 10. Just as Paul admonished Titus to expose those who are teaching such things as frauds, so must we. It was full of large fish, 153, but even with so many the net was not torn (John 21:11). Fish Breakfast with Yeshua It means "the Passover," which is synonymous with the first of the three resurrection harvest feasts referenced in Deuteronomy 16:16. He revealed himself to seven of his disciples by the sea of Tiberias (otherwise known as the sea of Galilee). The number was a sign. Learn more and join with us today. It is the root word from which we get the word geometry. Two thousand years ago, we began drifting away from the simple truths taught by the Jewish Jesus. ה = 5. That means that if you add all the numbers decreasing from 17, you get 153. In that day, “Their fish will be according to their kinds … very many” (Ezekiel 47:10). For centuries experts have been fascinated by the story of the miraculous catch of fish in the gospel of John chapter 21, in which exactly 153 fish were found in the nets. People would have figured out the mystery long ago if they had bothered to learn Hebrew. 153. Question #1: Hello Dr. Luginbill, A brother in Christ claimed that he knew the symbolic meaning of the 153 fish that was caught in the Gospels (John 21:11). I am not aware of any Scriptural examples of Hebrew letters literally equating to a numeric value. The 153 fish in John 21 is an allusion to Ezekiel 47 and the vision of the Spirit of God going out to water the earth. St. John has a special love for the number 17. (Image: © Bigstock/Kavram). ... Or weren't they translated into Greek by then? In his commentary on Ezekiel 47, Jerome linked the miracle of the 153 fish with the prophet’s vision of a river of life flowing out from the Temple in the Messianic Era. It shows a net catching fish as the third part of all numbers. This is what the Bereans were doing with Paul's teachings. Mem-sophit doesn't doesn't equal 40, it equals 600, so the correct gematria of ani elohim = 713! Can you imagine what Peter was thinking when the count of the fish reached the total of 153? ב = 2. M ark Drogin tells us why the Apostles caught exactly 153 fish in St John’s Gospel: The beginning of the final Gospel: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…. זמר (Remez): In modern Hebrew the word means “clue”. It is a triangular number: it is the sum of the integers from 1 to 17. FFOZ Friends supports of our mission and vision. Contact When Jesus caused the disciples to catch exactly 153 fish, He was declaring to them that not only was He the Son of G-d, but that He was God Himself. The 153 Fish John chapter 21 tells us of an appearance of the Messiah to His taught ones after His resurrection. In other words, there is a deeper spiritual meaning than just the literal concept being expressed. The Evangelist also reveals that this Living Word of … The number 153 is the numerical total for the Hebrew words "Ani Elohim"--I AM G-D. Hebrew scholar, J.K. McKee has an excellent article debunking gematria entitled "The Effect of Mysticism and Gnosticism on the Messianic Movement". Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken.. John 21.11 This amazing miracleinvolving 153 was performed by Jesus, after his resurrection from the dead, in his next to last appearance with his eleven disciples before ascending into heaven. (John 7:38), One of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out. (John 21:11). A triangular number is also the sum of all the natural numbers from 1 to the triangle of the number: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17=153. I wondered for a few days and decided to write a Metafont program to do just that. and the Word became flesh.” The entire Gospel focuses our attention on the Living Word of God: Jesus of Nazareth. T he number 153, which is mentioned in the Gospel of John as the number of fish caught at the nocturnal fishing on Lake Tiberias appears as significant as it is mysterious. John 1 portrays the overall environment in which Jesus manifested the eight signs and why the people of Judea and Galilee needed Him so much. Interestingly, in Hebrew all numbers also have meanings in words. These relationships might be coincidental, but the Ezekiel 47 imagery of the river of life flowing from within the Temple informs other important passages in John: From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water. I am G-d- Isaiah 46:9], אֵ֤ל אָֽנֹכִי֙ Particularly important in Pharaoh’s journey are two Hebrew verbs (כבד and חזק), which provide a nuanced account of YHWH’s interaction with the human heart. Scripture is full of examples where numbers symbolize concepts: Two symbolizes testimony ("I call heaven and earth to witness against you"), Four symbolizes judgment (the four horns of the altar), Six symbolizes flawed humanity (666 in Revelation), Seven symbolizes completion (the seven days of Creation), etc. The text (above) says "In Hebrew, every letter has a number atached to it." “The Parable of the 153 Fish” by Pastor Ariel Three very key points for you to understand before we begin today: 1-We are in NO WAY teaching BRITISH ISRAELISM And in NO WAY do we believe in: 2—REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY 3--The "TORAH" is the Jewish way of saying the "Word of God" and was commonly used and read at the time of Jesus.It is often called the … This is an interesting idea to consider. [GR] > The Number 153 - I am the Lord Thy God: For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee.. Isaiah 43.3. Using Hebrew gematria, the … It is the root word from which we get the word geometry. T he number 153, which is mentioned in the Gospel of John as the number of fish caught at the nocturnal fishing on Lake Tiberias appears as significant as it is mysterious.. Also the richness of its mathematical relations - it yields, e.g., the addition series or the triangular number of the seventeen, which is mentioned in the Mosaic writings quite often, and it represents the It was simply the number of fish that were counted in the net as counted by the amazed disciples. Almost every modern biblical commentary on the symbolism of 153 mentions this fact. ... physical and spiritual message found in John 21. Their fish will be according to their kinds, like the fish of the Great Sea, very many. Supporting Messianic Jewish communities that are faithful in practice to Torah, Messiah, and the Jewish people. ה = 5. The folks at one website found Cyrille of Alexandria saw 153 as the symbol of G-d and the Church. Genesis 1:16- "G-d make the two great lights..." The "two" in this case is שְׁנֵ֥י [shenei] which is clearly not a ב [bet] which has the meaning of 2 in gematria. The Hebrews used their alphabet as a numbering system. Support us in restoring the Jewishness of Jesus! This is a reminder that without Christ the disciples' (and any believer's) attempts to accomplish something great on their own will fail, but that with Jesus all things are possible (John 15:5). A community of Messianic youth strengthening the bonds of faith through events and learning opportunities. Here is a breakdown of some major lines of interpretation. Seventeen. Get these insightful teachings about a life of discipleship and the deeper meaning of the words of Yeshua delivered to your inbox free once a week. The strange number of 153 fish strikes both the casual bible reader and the scholar as peculiar and has caused some to wonder if there is some deeper significance to John’s use of the number. The peeps at yet a third website found all kinds of associations with 153 which weren't ani elohim or fishes. Today a prophetic resurgence of truth is breaking out. As I have mentioned before, EVERYTHING in the Bible is there for a reason. Yikes! The "four" in this is אַרְבָּעָ֥ה [arbah] which is clearly not a ד [dalet] (4 in gematria). That is, the sum of the cubes of 1, 5, and 3 is 153. Pattern: 153 fish; YHVH in the Scriptures 153 times. He Lifted Up His Hands. I know they would … Tell your Muslim friends who say that Jesus never claimed to be G-d that yes, He most certainly did! Privacy Mark Drogin tells us why the Apostles caught exactly 153 fish in St John’s Gospel: The beginning of the final Gospel: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…. Google "gematria" and get an eye full of the origins of that concept. Below is a letter-to-number representation of the 153 fishes in John 21. Symbolizing abundance, 153 can even represent an OVERFLOW blessing from God. Using Hebrew gematria, the … This is not another of the seven signs of John. Below is a letter-to-number representation of the 153 fishes in John 21. After all, the disciples were to be fishers of men: “The kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet cast into the sea, and gathering fish of every kind” (Matthew 13:47). That is to say, 17 + 16 + 15 + 14 +13 + 12 + 10 + … + 1 = 153. Our tour guide was skeptical, as he is a Jew and doesn’t believe … (John 19:34). Verse By Verse Ministry International. ל = 30. Jesus stood on the banks and asked … זמר (Remez): In modern Hebrew the word means “clue”. Copyright Restrictions and the Word became flesh.” The entire Gospel focuses our attention on the Living Word of God: … The 153 big fishes. Every NT Scripture must align with the Torah and TaNaKh. ב = 2 This seems possible, considering the fact that the primary numbers composing 153 (100, 50, and 3) can allude to Gentile fullness, Israel’s fullness and spiritual fullness. The language of the Hebrew Bible is the literal, meaningful Hebrew language... not gematria. All rights reserved. The graphic [from the original article] references Torah portion Acharei Mot/Kedoshim [two of the weekly passages from the books of Moses that are read in synagogues each week] but the only instances of the Hebrew word elohim in Acharei Mot (Leviticus 16:1-18:30) and Kedoshim (Leviticus 19:1-20:27) are אֱלֹהֵיכֶֽם [eloheikem - "your G-d"] in the second person possessive. The casting of the net is something beyond initial salvation. נ = 50. (John 21:11) The number 153 has some … Did God use an extra day to make different human races? c) References in John to Ezekiel 47:10 are found, too, in John 7:38 and 19:34: streams of living waters =new life.
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153 fish hebrew 2021